用户 XYO Foundation(@ OfficialXYO) 的最新消息

@GovAlexander XYO could indicate that both nodes are no longer functioning and give you their last available heuristic data. Temperature and pressure, for example, as well as any images or videos if the nodes had cameras.

@GovAlexander XYO 可能表明两个节点都不再运行,并为您提供最后可用的启发式数据。例如,温度和压力,以及任何图像或视频(如果节点有摄像头)。

发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

RT: Really like the care with which the ETH 2.0 developers are going about the fork. Definitely a measure twice (or 10 times) approach. Goals! #Ethereum #ETH #xyo

RT:真的很喜欢 ETH 2.0 开发人员对分叉的关心。绝对是测量两次(或十次)的方法。目标!

发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

If we apply XYO to this scenario, with one node on the ground and one on the jumper, the nodes would record how far away the jumper went, and how long it took him to leave and come back, creating permanent proof (or disproving!) the gravitational pull (and mass) of each object.

如果我们将 XYO 应用于这种情况,一个节点在地面上,一个节点在跳线上,节点将记录跳线走了多远,以及他离开和回来花了多长时间,创建永久证据(或反驳! ) 每个物体的引力(和质量)。

发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

Here's an example of an important #XYO heuristic: Relative distance. This may be the most fundamental heuristic to the way XYO works. XYO uses proximity between nodes for bound witness interactions (a handshake which proves two devices were in the same place at the same time). https://twitter.com/TansuYegen...

The average jump height of a person on earth and its equivalent in other worlds of the solar system🌍🪐 https://t.co/SopsmB2LFq

发表时间:1年前 作者:Tansu YEĞEN @TansuYegen


地球上一个人的平均跳跃高度和太阳系其他世界的平均跳跃高度🌍🪐 https://t.co/SopsmB2LFq

发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

@marcuseast Nice coin, Cesaré!

@marcuseast 不错的硬币,塞萨雷!

发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

RT: Sharing my purrrr-fect feline friend, Cesaré, in honor of #internationalcatday! 😻 https://t.co/UiewKlsD5Y


发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

#XYO + @ConsenSys + @MetaMask
Bonus insider info: The side door leading to The Fishbowl was denoted with a number of ConsenSys and MetaMask stickers for years. https://t.co/uLzrY3Q6XP

#XYO + @ConsenSys + @MetaMask
Bonus insider info: The side door leading to The Fishbowl was denoted with a number of ConsenSys and MetaMask stickers for years. https://t.co/uLzrY3Q6XP

发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Horizen are not competitors. Each node network is different and built to suit their needs. XYO's geospatial roots means that numerous nodes and a dense network are both beneficial and attainable. We present these statistics only as points of comparison.

发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO @OfficialXYO

以太坊、比特币和 Horizen 不是竞争对手。每个节点网络都是不同的,并且可以满足他们的需求。 XYO 的地理空间根源意味着众多节点和密集网络既有益又可实现。我们仅将这些统计数据作为比较点。

发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Horizen are not competitors. Each node network is different and built to suit their needs. XYO's geospatial roots means that numerous nodes and a dense network are both beneficial and attainable. We present these statistics only as points of comparison.

以太坊、比特币和 Horizen 不是竞争对手。每个节点网络都是不同的,并且可以满足他们的需求。 XYO 的地理空间根源意味着众多节点和密集网络既有益又可实现。我们仅将这些统计数据作为比较点。

发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

When we talk about having 4M+ nodes, and that it makes #XYO one of the largest node networks in the world, it may be difficult to understand why that's such a staggering number.
Over 4 million nodes is virtually unheard of for a node network like XYO, and we built it with you. https://t.co/r3rdASpXGh

当我们谈论拥有 4M 节点时,它使

发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

Not all of these ideas will come to fruition, but some of them will. When they do, XYO will be here to enable them.
The cars of the future will need (and create) geospatial and other reality-based data, after all. In partnership with @here, we'll be providing it. https://twitter.com/here/statu...

The automotive industry is changing. At #HERE360, we spoke to a futurist to find out how car manufacturers can adapt, and what this means for consumers. https://t.her.is/3ScQ45G
#automotive #EVs

发表时间:1年前 作者:HERE Technologies @here

并非所有这些想法都会实现,但其中一些会实现。当他们这样做时,XYO 将在这里启用他们。
毕竟,未来的汽车将需要(并创建)地理空间和其他基于现实的数据。与@here 合作,我们将提供它。 https://twitter.com/here/statu...


发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

Curious about the code that makes XYO go? This is the JSON for one of XYO's main archivist's hundreds of millions of payloads. Developers can see how easy XYO data is to integrate into an application because of the standardized, human-readable JSON format. https://beta.explore.xyo.netwo... https://t.co/6e5uKUTdPD

对使 XYO 运行的代码感到好奇吗?这是 XYO 的主要档案管理员之一的数亿有效负载的 JSON。由于标准化的、人类可读的 JSON 格式,开发人员可以看到将 XYO 数据集成到应用程序中是多么容易。 https://beta.explore.xyo.netwo.. . https://t.co/6e5uKUTdPD

发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

@DaveMck75758758 Congratulations, Dave. 🎉

@DaveMck75758758 恭喜,戴夫。 🎉

发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

Happy birthday, #Curiosity! #NASA #Mars 🚀🪐 https://twitter.com/MarsCurios... https://t.co/3rKbC8UucU

A celebration for little ‘ol me? 😊
I’ve done a lot of exploring these last 10 years on Mars, and members of my team have helped me every step of the way. So join us for a Twitter Spaces event as they reflect on this decade of discoveries. https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curiosity Rover @MarsCuriosity


小我的庆祝活动? 😊
在过去的 10 年里,我在火星上进行了很多探索,我的团队成员在每一步都为我提供了帮助。因此,加入我们的 Twitter Spaces 活动,让他们反思这十年的发现。 https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1...

发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

@hyandralphus Sounds like you need to talk to @coin_with_us.

@hyandralphus 听起来你需要和@coin_with_us 谈谈。

发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

@Donjuliozz There's an issue with one of its core third-party integrations. Corrections are in progress but unfortunately, since it is third party, the repairs needed for immediate correction are not possible on our end. If you run into any minting errors, don't continue attempting to mint!

@Donjuliozz 其核心第三方集成之一存在问题。更正正在进行中,但不幸的是,由于它是第三方,因此我们无法进行立即更正所需的维修。如果您遇到任何铸币错误,请不要继续尝试铸币!

发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

@uejio007 Eh?

@uejio007 嗯?

发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情

The possibilities are endless! #XYO https://t.co/pMBJd34ciF


发表时间:1年前 作者:XYO Foundation @OfficialXYO详情