用户 Zenon Network(@ Zenon_Network) 的最新消息

#Hyperspace Program is getting close to an end.
The program empowers the future leaders of #NoM by funding the most active contributors & their projects via #AcceleratorZ.
HyperAwards will take place in September and will mark a new chapter for the future of #NoM.

#Hyperspace Program is getting close to an end.
The program empowers the future leaders of #NoM by funding the most active contributors & their projects via #AcceleratorZ.
HyperAwards will take place in September and will mark a new chapter for the future of #NoM.

发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

In less than 24 hours, the 6th swap cycle will decay another ratio of the remaining $ZNN assets that are still on the legacy network.
Act now & swap them to #Alphanet via Syrius wallet by following the guide below 👇
#NoM #DAO $ZNN $QSR https://twitter.com/Zenon_Netw...

1/5 How to swap your legacy wallet in s y r i u s
1. Make sure you have access to the encrypted legacy wallet backup file (wallet.dat)
2. Open s y r i u s 👇
#NoM #SwapDecay $ZNN $QSR https://t.co/3tbFNVZ68o

发表时间:2年前 作者:Zenon @Zenon_Network

In less than 24 hours, the 6th swap cycle will decay another ratio of the remaining $ZNN assets that are still on the legacy network.
Act now & swap them to #Alphanet via Syrius wallet by following the guide below 👇
#NoM #DAO $ZNN $QSR https://twitter.com/Zenon_Netw...

1/5如何在s y r i u s中交换您的旧钱包
2、打开s y r i u s👇

发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

In less than 24 hours, the 6th swap cycle will decay another ratio of the remaining $ZNN assets still on the legacy network.
Prevent your funds & swap them to #Alphanet via Syrius wallet by following the guide below 👇
#NoM #DAO $ZNN $QSR https://twitter.com/Zenon_Netw...

1/5 How to swap your legacy wallet in s y r i u s
1. Make sure you have access to the encrypted legacy wallet backup file (wallet.dat)
2. Open s y r i u s 👇
#NoM #SwapDecay $ZNN $QSR https://t.co/3tbFNVZ68o

发表时间:2年前 作者:Zenon @Zenon_Network

In less than 24 hours, the 6th swap cycle will decay another ratio of the remaining $ZNN assets still on the legacy network.
Prevent your funds & swap them to #Alphanet via Syrius wallet by following the guide below 👇
#NoM #DAO $ZNN $QSR https://twitter.com/Zenon_Netw...

1/5如何在s y r i u s中交换您的旧钱包
2、打开s y r i u s👇

发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

Less than 2 days left until the 6th Swap Cycle occurs. Gather your $ZNN & $QSR and swap them from Legacy to #Alphanet if you haven't done it already!
Check out the guide below 👇
#NoM #DAO $ZNN $QSR https://twitter.com/Zenon_Netw...

1/5 How to swap your legacy wallet in s y r i u s
1. Make sure you have access to the encrypted legacy wallet backup file (wallet.dat)
2. Open s y r i u s 👇
#NoM #SwapDecay $ZNN $QSR https://t.co/3tbFNVZ68o

发表时间:2年前 作者:Zenon @Zenon_Network

Less than 2 days left until the 6th Swap Cycle occurs. Gather your $ZNN & $QSR and swap them from Legacy to #Alphanet if you haven't done it already!
Check out the guide below 👇
#NoM #DAO $ZNN $QSR https://twitter.com/Zenon_Netw...

1/5如何在s y r i u s中交换您的旧钱包
2、打开s y r i u s👇

发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

RT: @CryptoGirlNova Few properties found in @Zenon_Network that no other project has combined:
- Feeless transactions
- Dual-ledger -> Scalability
- Dual-coin economy $ZNN & $QSR ->enabling effective protocol governance
- No VCs involvement
- Anonymous devs -> Community ownership and drive

RT:@CryptoGirlNova 在@Zenon_Network 中发现没有其他项目结合的几个属性:
- 无手续费交易
- 双账本 -

发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

RT: #TheAliensKnow that decentralized consensus on funding our comrades for their hard work is a beautiful thing.
Syrius Browser Extension + Mobile Wallet by such dedicated devs is money well spent. Congrats DexZNNter & @DrBlaze21 ! https://twitter.com/cryptoches... https://t.co/idiiBJcRy5


发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

RT: The @ZenonOrg site will build visitor email/Twitter audience lists by positioning various offers on its landing pages. These lists will be used to hyper-serve needs and retarget across the web.
Here's an example of a funnel designed to help newcomers.
#TheAliensKnow #marketing https://t.co/1cv2LcHI0L

RT:@ZenonOrg 网站将通过在其登陆页面上定位各种优惠来建立访问者电子邮件/Twitter 受众列表。这些列表将用于超满足需求并在网络上重新定位。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

RT: #TheAliensKnow that the technology for decentralized hosted services such as Git already exists and that the incentives for them will be here soon.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

RT: 1/ NO VC funding / 100% fair launch
2/ strongest community in the cryptospace- community are bootstrapping the ecosystem!
3/ dual ledger architecture (block lattice / meta DAG)
4/ solving the blockchain trilemma:
Decentralised, secure, scalabe.
5/ feeless txs!
#TheAliensKnow https://twitter.com/LearnZenon...

RT:1/没有风险投资资金/100% 公平发布
2/ 加密空间中最强大的社区——社区正在引导生态系统!
3/ 双账本架构(块格/元 DAG)
4/ 解决区块链三难困境:
5/ 无情的交易!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

RT: #thealiensknow @georgezgeorgez is making progress on his atomic swap AZ proposal. #bullish https://t.co/7vKJR2A6kr


发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

Hyperspace Program is enabling on-chain funding for interoperability solutions like cross-chain bridges.
Apply now for a grant ➡️ https://zenon.network/accelera...
#NoM #Hyperspace #AcceleratorZ #DAO $ZNN $QSR

立即申请资助➡️ https://zenon.network/accelera...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

Trustless bridges that don't require users to trust centralized or federated nodes will massively reduce security-related risks.
Decentralized cross-chain solutions are a critical aspect for the long-term sustainability of blockchains by expanding their ecosystem.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

RT: #theAliensKnow it takes a ton of time, research, and development to build top-quality great things.
https://forum.zenon.org/t/syri... https://t.co/mGs59BrGak


发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

RT: 1/
@Zenon_Network's dual ledger architecture, Network of Momentum, is built on:
1️⃣ Meta-Ledger
◽ Consensus Layer
▫️Highly scalable
2️⃣ Block-lattice
◽ Settlement layer
▫️Allows account independence
▫️Unsynchronised txn model https://t.co/5lUZli6sFV

@Zenon_Network 的双账本架构 Network of Momentum 建立在:
◽ 共识层
2️⃣ 块状格子
◽ 结算层
▫️不同步的 txn 模型 https://t.co/5lUZli6sFV

发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

RT: @Zenon_Network was designed to be interoperable with and enhance other networks, especially Bitcoin. Indicative statements by the core team point to @Zenon_Network potentially solving Bitcoin’s scaling problem and enabling “DeFi on Bitcoin” by applying Hash Time Locked Contracts https://twitter.com/frenglishm...

RT:@Zenon_Network 旨在与其他网络互操作并增强其他网络,尤其是比特币。核心团队的指示性声明指出,@Zenon_Network 可能会解决比特币的扩容问题并通过应用哈希时间锁定合约启用“比特币上的 DeFi”https://twitter.com/fenglishm...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

RT: So this started as an article about Zenon's mysterious beginnings, then became a story, then I got carried away with it. It's something different lol. Let me know if you guys enjoy it!


发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

RT: Unfortunately, Zoda is leaving #AreaZenon at the end of this week.
Fortunately, we found one of his unfinished courses
👀🎓 #TheAliensKnow Academy course 1
🌀 What is Accelerator-Z?
Watch and learn.
Credits: @greenthumb4211
#ZNNAliens #Zenon #Alphanet #Momentum2039661 https://t.co/gTlJmsJocy

👀🎓 #TheAliensKnow学院课程1
🌀 什么是加速器-Z?
#ZNNAliens#Zenon#Alphanet 35emomentum2039661https://t.co/gTlJmsJocy

发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

Remaining Hyperfund ➡️ 108k $ZNN & 500k $QSR
Congrats to all Aliens!
Keep building & keep up the good work!
#NoM #Hyperspace #AcceleratorZ #DAO $ZNN $QSR

剩余超级基金➡️ 10.8万美元;50万美元QSR

发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

The program incorporates numerous outstanding projects with many SDKs already ported, but considering that there are still a lot of ongoing projects & few interoperability solutions, #Hyperspace will be extended until the 1st of September
Thus, the #HyperAwards will be postponed


发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情

#Hyperspace is aiming to enable an absolute decentralization framework by fulfilling the vision of a cross-chain compatible network that is fully community-governed.
Thread ⬇️


发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network详情