用户 ArcBlock(@ ArcBlock_io) 的最新消息

All of these components work together to help make it easier for builders to create amazing decentralized applications.


发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

Part of this ecosystem includes blockchain technology which helps manage digital assets, DID which helps manage digital identities, Blocklet framework which helps developers build decentralized applications, and much more.

该生态系统的一部分包括帮助管理数字资产的区块链技术、帮助管理数字身份的 DID、帮助开发人员构建去中心化应用程序的 Blocklet 框架等等。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

The third part of ArcBlock's Blocklet architecture is the ecosystem that defines how everything works together. The goal of this ecosystem is to empower builders and enable collaboration.

ArcBlock 的 Blocklet 架构的第三部分是定义一切如何协同工作的生态系统。这个生态系统的目标是赋予建设者权力并实现协作。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

This will be a one-stop-shop for users to find the apps they need and for developers to promoted their apps. The Blocklet Store will help make it easier for users to find the apps they want and need while also helping developers get their apps in front of potential users.

这将为用户找到他们需要的应用程序和开发人员推广他们的应用程序提供一站式服务。 Blocklet Store 将帮助用户更轻松地找到他们想要和需要的应用程序,同时还帮助开发人员将他们的应用程序展示给潜在用户。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

The second part of ArcBlock's Blocklet architecture is Blocklet Stores. This is where application builders, marketers, promoters can collaborate and help users find the apps they want.

ArcBlock 的 Blocklet 架构的第二部分是 Blocklet Store。应用程序构建者、营销人员、推广者可以在这里协作并帮助用户找到他们想要的应用程序。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

This is made possible by the fact that each app is broken down into "blocks" which are then assembled together like building blocks. This modular approach to app development makes it easier for developers to collaborate and build better apps together.


发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

The first part of ArcBlock's Blocklet architecture is Composable Applications. What this means is that multiple developers can work on different parts of an app simultaneously without interfering with each other's work.

ArcBlock 的 Blocklet 架构的第一部分是可组合应用程序。这意味着多个开发人员可以同时开发应用程序的不同部分,而不会干扰彼此的工作。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

Composable Applications means many developers can collaborate and build better applications together. Blocklet Stores means application builders, marketers, promoters can collaborate and help users find the apps they want.

可组合应用程序意味着许多开发人员可以协作并一起构建更好的应用程序。 Blocklet Stores 意味着应用程序构建者、营销人员、推广者可以协作并帮助用户找到他们想要的应用程序。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

Imagine a world where instead of having one large platform, there were many different platforms that could all communicate with each other. That is the thinking behind ArcBlock's Blocklet architecture.

想象一个世界,那里没有一个大平台,而是有许多不同的平台都可以相互通信。这就是 ArcBlock 的 Blocklet 架构背后的思想。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

The whole ArcBlock's ecosystem goal is empower builders, enabling collaboration, and elevate Decentralized apps to the next level. Let's explore this more 👇 https://t.co/W4Mxir7DKW

整个 ArcBlock 的生态系统目标是为建设者赋能,实现协作,并将去中心化应用提升到一个新的水平。让我们更多地探索这个👇 https://t.co/W4Mxir7DKW

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

I hope this one isn't too technical, let us know if you like this kind of in-depth information.


发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

Finally, NFTs are a great way to show ownership and control over computing resources. By using NFTs, you can be sure that your resources are safe and sound and that you have full control over them.

最后,NFT 是展示对计算资源的所有权和控制权的好方法。通过使用 NFT,您可以确保您的资源安全无虞,并且您可以完全控制它们。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

NFTs can be easily divided and shared among partners. This makes revenue sharing among partners much easier. Now you might realize how important it would be for composable applications, the app you use might build by many people, each one involved will get paid automatically!

NFT 可以在合作伙伴之间轻松划分和共享。这使得合作伙伴之间的收入分享变得更加容易。现在您可能意识到它对于可组合应用程序的重要性,您使用的应用程序可能由许多人构建,每个参与的人都会自动获得报酬!

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

Sharing your blocklet-powered website with your friends and family is as easy as sending them the NFT.

与您的朋友和家人共享由 Blocklet 驱动的网站就像向​​他们发送 NFT 一样简单。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

NFTs are also easy to transfer. If you want to gift a great application to your friends, you can simply send them an NFT for this blocklet!

NFT 也很容易转移。如果您想将一个出色的应用程序赠送给您的朋友,您只需向他们发送一个用于此 Blocklet 的 NFT!

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

One of the major benefits of using NFTs to represent computing resources is that transfers are secured. When you have a server computer, you can simply send the NFT to your clients. This is much more secure than sending them login information or giving them access to your server

使用 NFT 表示计算资源的主要好处之一是传输是安全的。当你有一台服务器计算机时,你可以简单地将 NFT 发送给你的客户端。这比向他们发送登录信息或让他们访问您的服务器要安全得多

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are unique digital assets with distinct characteristics. Their uniqueness makes them well-suited for representing a wide variety of online assets, including computing resources.

不可替代代币 (NFT) 是具有鲜明特征的独特数字资产。它们的独特性使它们非常适合代表各种在线资产,包括计算资源。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

Since they are all NFTs, it is very easy to transfer, gift, sell, or exchange them with other resources. As you might all know, Non-fungible tokens (NFT) are digital representations of real-world assets. They are unique and cannot be replaced by another token.

由于它们都是 NFT,因此很容易转移、赠送、出售或与其他资源交换。您可能都知道,不可替代代币 (NFT) 是现实世界资产的数字表示。它们是唯一的,不能被另一个令牌替换。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

Similarly, when users purchase a Blocklet Server, what they get is an NFT that represents the access rights to server resources in the network.

同样,当用户购买 Blocklet Server 时,他们得到的是一个 NFT,它代表了对网络中服务器资源的访问权限。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情