用户 Syscoin(@ syscoin) 的最新消息

RT: What's going on sysfam?
We're hosting our first pre-ama session for the community over on our discord at 10 AM UTC on the 18th!
We will be giving away some cash prizes to the best questions! 🎉🎉
#syscoin #syspad https://t.co/JaIM5okpGR

RT:sysfam 发生了什么?
我们将在世界标准时间 18 日上午 10 点在我们的 discord 上为社区举办我们的第一次 pre-ama 会议!
我们将向最好的问题赠送一些现金奖励! 🎉🎉

发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

RT: Coin Spotlight: @syscoin

🔹@syscoin is a decentralised high throughput, scalable, low-carbon footprint blockchain ecosystem.
🔸The ecosystem is one of the oldest operating blockchain networks, launched in 2014.
🔹What makes $SYS different from its competitors?
Let's find out! https://t.co/IIvqHPP87a


🔹@syscoin 是一个去中心化的高吞吐量、可扩展、低碳足迹的区块链生态系统。
🔸生态系统是最古老的运营区块链网络之一,于 2014 年推出。
🔹$SYS 与竞争对手有何不同?
让我们来了解一下! https://t.co/IIvqHPP87a

发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

RT: Despite the #ETHMerge...
@syscoin continues to be the best of BTC & ETH🌐
Thanks to #NEVM, great #smartcontracts like @PegasysDEX, @Luxy_io & @foundryswap exist & more🤯
Read more & sign up for the LastKnown Newsletter (3x100 $SYS #giveaway prizes in tomorrow's email) 🔗in📺👇 https://t.co/2Aza3EyF4P


发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

RT: Swap @syscoin #SYS across multiple pairs like #USDT in #Klever Wallet, K4
✔️ SYS <> #KLV
✔️ SYS <> #USDT
✔️ SYS <> #TRX
✔️ SYS <> #ETH
✔️ SYS <> #KETH
✔️ SYS <> #BUSD
✔️ SYS <> #BTC
✔️ SYS <> #KBTC
Scan #QRCode or visit ⤵️
https://klever.page.link/ppm5r... https://t.co/lvxuutHJSz


发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

RT: 🚨🚨We are extremely excited to announce a strategic partnership with @syscoin🚨🚨
We at @DystoWorld are excited to build on #Syscoin and be a leading #NFT launchpad on the Syscoin Ecosystem.
📰learn more here: https://medium.com/@Dystoworld...
$SYS $DYSTO #NFTMarketplace #LAUNCHPAD https://t.co/m3ty62gKrQ

我们@DystoWorld 很高兴能在此基础上再接再厉

发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

🔊 New partnership!
@DystoWorld 🤝 @Syscoin
We're thrilled to announce that #DystoWorld's #NFTLaunchpad and marketplace will transcend high-quality NFTs into the #metaverse through #Syscoin's upcoming L2, Rollux.
Find out more!
$DYSTO X $SYS https://t.co/8OhrIewFeZ

🔊 新的合作伙伴!
@DystoWorld 🤝 @Syscoin

发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

RT: Today #Syscoin Biz Dev and Ambassador @proguerra rep'd what he loves at @Web3TX.
@jacob_nomics co-founder of @MetaOpsGaming
@khvetkevych founder of @nftpatent
@Crypto33Miggy https://t.co/Enc2uqZMCR


发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

RT: #Syscoin brings worlds together!
Find out about @Syscoin's expansion in Africa!
Attendees of the 𝐒𝐲𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚 Offline Events join us in making strides to greater #financialinclusivity.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

Excellent work by our partners #BuildItMerchants!
Beautiful. We all look forward to seeing more!
Find out more about our partnership:
https://syscoin.org/news/build... https://twitter.com/Builditm/s...

We know you've been curious but it’s finally here!🎉
We are super proud to unveil our 1:1 legendary #nftart🔥
And yes, there is more to come so do stay tuned and make sure you follow us for the latest updates.👀
WL spots ongoing 💪
#NFTCommmunity #NFTs #GameFi #ETH #Metaverse https://t.co/Ud0TSjSjxy

发表时间:1年前 作者:Build it Merchants @Builditm


我们非常自豪地推出我们的 1:1 传奇

发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

RT: Progress Update: @syscoin
🔹@token2049 is coming up, one of the most anticipated events in the cryptocurrency industry.
🔸@syscoin is one of the major sponsors of this event, exposing the project to a broad audience
🔹However, what is $SYS currently developing?
Let's find out! https://t.co/lfMbEhry8D

🔹@token2049 即将到来,这是加密货币行业最受期待的事件之一。
🔸@syscoin 是本次活动的主要赞助商之一,将项目展示给广大观众
🔹但是,$SYS 目前正在开发什么?
让我们来了解一下! https://t.co/lfMbEhry8D

发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

🔊 Porsche24 and @GPElite have partnered with @Syscoin to launch an NFT Collection!
See what it's all about:
Then make sure to grab a whitelist spot here:
#Syscoin $SYS https://t.co/7PaEU0Gsx9

🔊 Porsche24 和@GPElite 与@Syscoin 合作推出了 NFT 收藏!
https://syscoin .org/news/porsc...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

RT: In actuality, we don't know what we have! Once we release to the wild many new derivative works will be created. For example index tokens can become a reality. An idea thrown around earlier this year was the thought of having index tokens (much like ETFs), here is bit-ethereum https://twitter.com/realSidhuJ... https://t.co/qVMwoOVZ2F

RT:实际上,我们不知道我们拥有什么!一旦我们发布到野外,将创建许多新的衍生作品。例如索引令牌可以成为现实。今年早些时候提出的一个想法是拥有指数代币(很像 ETF),这里是比特以太坊 https://twitter.com/realSidhuJ... https://t.co/qVMwoOVZ2F

发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

RT: https://daosys.com/ is much bigger than you think. What we are doing @syscoin relates to a re-think of business in the world using autonomous contracts (smart DAO) 1/N https://t.co/LFXx4RDRTf

RT:https://daosys.com/ 比你想象的要大得多。我们正在做的@syscoin 与使用自主合约(智能 DAO)1/N https://t.co/LFXx4RDRTf 重新思考世界上的业务有关

发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

RT: Is Syscoin really the best of Ethereum & Bitcoin❓
$SYS utilizes a dual-chain architecture consisting of two different types of record-keeping methodology🤯
Find out more about @syscoin:
"Syscoin - The Best of Both Worlds" via the LastKnown Blog🗞️
🔗https://blog.lastknown.com/sys... https://t.co/K5h7RIIhHE

RT:Syscoin 真的是以太坊中最好的吗

发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

RT: Insight: @syscoin
🔹@syscoin is getting close to be the no.1 on Lunarcrush by AltRank
🔸The @LunarCrush Alt Rank is a relative rank and is benchmarked against other cryptocurrencies.
🔹Therefore, $SYS is outperforming the market in a weighted avg of social and financial metrics https://t.co/EJNGEAbx3y

🔹@syscoin 即将成为 AltRank 在 Lunarcrush 上的第一名
🔸@LunarCrush Alt Rank 是一个相对排名,以其他加密货币为基准。
🔹因此,$SYS 在社会和财务指标的加权平均上表现优于市场 https://t.co/EJNGEabx3y

发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

RT: We are delighted to announce our strategic partnership with @SYSPAD_official!
🔹The upcoming @SYSpad_official launchpad will be the first native public fundraiser on the $SYS ecosystem.
🔸This strategic partnership enables HoC to further strengthen the @syscoin ecosystem https://t.co/o0Ye8lJyaH

RT:我们很高兴宣布与@SYSPAD_official 建立战略合作伙伴关系!
🔹即将推出的@SYSpad_official 启动板将是 $SYS 生态系统上的第一个本地公共筹款活动。
🔸这种战略合作伙伴关系使 HoC 能够进一步加强@syscoin 生态系统 https://t.co/o0Ye8lJyaH

发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

Our first #layer2 #rollups solution, Rollux OPv1, is going great on closed testnet. 🛠️⚙️⚡️ Also, no need for a separate token. $SYS is its native coin!
Excited for #TOKEN2049 where we will announce more news around #Syscoin #Rollux, among other things!


发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

RT: The last @Syscoin content contest was just too much fun. That's why leading up to #token2049 we will have a #Syscoin Meme Battle. We are looking for the best and original memes!
🎁6,000 $SYS in prizes!
📢Rules Below!
More info
#Giveaway #ContestAlert https://t.co/mHJTPp6akT

RT:上一次@Syscoin 内容竞赛实在是太有趣了。这就是为什么导致

发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情

RT: 1/2 Introducing Masternode Yield Farming, made possibly by running full node (increasing nakamoto coefficient) which adds also is responsible for finality along with https://daosys.com/, anyone can participate and @syscoin foundation will have some nice strategy around it ->

RT:1/2 介绍 Masternode Yield Farming,可能通过运行完整节点(增加 nakamoto 系数)实现,这也与 一起负责确定性https://daosys.com/,任何人都可以参与,@syscoin 基金会将围绕它制定一些不错的策略 -

发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情



发表时间:1年前 作者:Syscoin @syscoin详情