用户 aeon(@ AeonCoin) 的最新消息

@PPEtoheros @danaparish @JudahWorldChamp @jljcolorado @WHO @CDCgov @DFisman @AbraarKaran @mehdirhasan @DrEricDing @EnemyInAState @RealSexyCyborg @sri_srikrishna @GosiaGasperoPhD @lisa_iannattone @nilikm @rachael_levy @JuliaRaifman @michael_hoerger @BenjaminMateus7 @awilkinson @bermaninstitute @DmodosCutter @COVIDnewsfast @PeoplesCDC @BNOFeed @TRyanGregory @jonlevyBU During the H1N9 pandemic, N95s were specifically labeled and authorized for the general public.

@DrEricDing This product was created in 2008 for just this purpose. Where is it now?
https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/co... https://t.co/lPxjQx1JbU

发表时间:3年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin

@PPEtoheros @danaparish @JudahWorldChamp @jljcolorado @WHO @CDCgov @DFisman @AbraarKaran @mehdirhasan @DrEricDing @EnemyInAState @RealSexyCyborg @sri_srikrishna @GosiaGasperoPhD @lisa_iannattone @nilikm @rachael_levy @JuliaRaifman @michael_hoerger @BenjaminMateusmod7 @awilkinson @hoerger @BenjaminMateusMod@awilkinson @BNOFeed @TRyanGregory @jonlevyBU 在 H1N9 大流行期间,N95 被专门标记并授权给公众。

https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/co... https://t.co/lPxjQx1JbU

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@Marco_Piani @AlbertBourla FWIW, I was tweeting about this quite a bit in 2020. Not just Bourla was doing it.

@Marco_Piani @AlbertBourla FWIW,我在 2020 年发了很多关于这件事的推文。不仅仅是 Bourla 在做。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@Marco_Piani @AlbertBourla I'd call Bourla's tweet misinformation or lying, yes. It's even debatable whether that is lying by omission or just lying. The data collected don't support "100% effective". A narrower statement like "observed no events in vaccinated" would be fine. but that's not what he wrote.

@Marco_Piani @AlbertBourla 我会称 Bourla 的推文错误信息或撒谎,是的。这究竟是疏忽大意还是只是撒谎,甚至还有待商榷。收集的数据不支持“100%有效”。像“在接种疫苗时没有观察到任何事件”这样的狭义陈述会很好。但这不是他写的。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@NewsLambert @dfwaaronlayman Likewise Case Schiller which as a three month trailing average mostly agrees with Zillow so far.

@NewsLambert @dfwaaronlayman 同样,Case Schiller 作为三个月的追踪平均值,到目前为止大多与 Zillow 一致。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@MinerMillennial @ByzantineGuerr1 @vasalex93 @PeterSchiff QE may not but return to ZIRP will be. It will reinflate housing and cars and who knows what else.

@MinerMillennial @ByzantineGuerr1 @vasalex93 @PeterSchiff QE 可能不会,但会返回 ZIRP。它将重新膨胀住房和汽车,谁知道还有什么。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@BLaze4490 Nicely done.

@BLaze4490 做得很好。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@myrabatchelder Does the program even exist any more? I've not heard of anyone seeing or getting free masks from a pharmacy in a long time. I have a feeling the stockpile is depleted (funds to maintain it were diverted to boosters).

@myrabatchelder 该程序是否还存在?我很久没有听说有人在药房看到或得到免费口罩了。我有一种感觉库存已经耗尽(维持它的资金被转移到助推器上)。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@arijitchakrav Seems likely, yes.

@arijitchakrav 似乎很可能,是的。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@Lexisaurus @FinchTH @alexmeshkin Go read the latter. The only applicable way justify that declaration is by the former. The other categories don't apply.

@Lexisaurus @FinchTH @alexmeshkin 去读后者。唯一适用的方式证明该声明是前者。其他类别不适用。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@GennadySimanovs @GosiaGasperoPhD Don't forget Bill Gates. "The variant called Omicron is a type of vaccine"

@GennadySimanovs @GosiaGasperoPhD 不要忘记比尔盖茨。 “称为 Omicron 的变体是一种疫苗”

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@Metamaterealis1 @fergal_whatever @kprather88 There's likely a probabilistic element, rather than your deterministic equation. Though it may look like an S curve that approximates the deterministic model. Who knows.

@Metamaterealis1 @fergal_whatever @kprather88 可能有一个概率元素,而不是你的确定性方程。尽管它可能看起来像一条近似确定性模型的 S 曲线。谁知道。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @Metamaterealis1 @kprather88 This is mostly just disguised fatalism/ nihilism/ minimizing. Nothing matters, you're either exposed or you're not. You're either sick or you're not, dead or not. It's all god's will. No regulations. Hands off the oligarchs.
But you're still right to press to formalize it.

@fergal_whatever @Metamaterealis1 @kprather88 这主要是伪装的宿命论/虚无主义/最小化。什么都不重要,你要么暴露,要么不暴露。你要么病了,要么没病,死了或没死。这都是上帝的旨意。没有规定。放开寡头。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@AlexBachII @fLuidinio @andrew_lilico Cute, but we both know that won't solve it.

@AlexBachII @fLuidinio @andrew_lilico 可爱,但我们都知道这不会解决它。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@AlexBachII @fLuidinio @andrew_lilico It's wartime. Cope.

@AlexBachII @fLuidinio @andrew_lilico 这是战时。应付。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@jklmd123 @gregggonsalves @WHCOS @ashishkjha Oh and BTW, look around, the economy isn't exactly humming.
But of course you can spin that the pandemic has NOTHING to do with that. It's all Putin, and Chayna. Anything to support hands off the oligarchs.

@jklmd123 @gregggonsalves @WHCOS @ashishkjha 哦,顺便说一句,环顾四周,经济并不完全在嗡嗡作响。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@jklmd123 @gregggonsalves @WHCOS @ashishkjha zOMG, locking down for three cases!

@jklmd123 @gregggonsalves @WHCOS @ashishkjha zOMG,锁定三个案例!

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@Metamaterealis1 @fergal_whatever @kprather88 Yes that's interesting because even upgraded PPE is certainly not "100%".

@Metamaterealis1 @fergal_whatever @kprather88 是的,这很有趣,因为即使升级的 PPE 也肯定不是“100%”。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@gregggonsalves @WHCOS @ashishkjha The plan is spin. Always has been.
(And not just covid, that's the recipe for "governing" in 2022.) https://t.co/StFOfqZthy

@gregggonsalves @WHCOS @ashishkjha 该计划是旋转的。一直都是。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @kprather88 Yes, the results wouldn't necessarily carry over. My point was about there being only a single dosage that has ever been used, so nothing to say about dose response (other than >0% <100% in this instance, perhaps interesting, perhaps not)

@fergal_whatever @kprather88 是的,结果不一定会延续。我的观点是只有一种剂量曾经被使用过,所以关于剂量反应没什么可说的(除了

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情