用户 Chimpion(@ chimpionio) 的最新消息

REKDECK The next generation #miningfarm operation based in Princeton, another project under management by Chimpion. New staking options will arise for mining in the near Future.
#Mining #rekdeck https://t.co/pcKl3Gtmod


发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

Safety First!. We'd like to remind our community to be careful around social media channels and to only talk with Verified staff at Chimpion, If someone offers you a deal that looks to good to be true It probably is.
#chimpion #cryptocurrency #SafetyFirst https://t.co/k9b5E72ICE

安全第一!。我们想提醒我们的社区在社交媒体渠道周围要小心,并且只与 Chimpion 的经过验证的员工交谈,如果有人向您提供看起来不错的交易,那可能是真的。

发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

The BCD Bazaar https://bit.ly/BCDBazaar a specialized cryptocurrency Ecommerce website proudly built by Chimpion. We're always working on new projects and investing on systems to benefit our community and the Cryptocurrency ecosystem. BCDBazaar in Telegram https://bit.ly/TBCDBazaar https://t.co/ihvizn99y0

BCD Bazaar https://bit.ly/BCDBazaar 一个由 Chimpion 自豪地建立的专业加密货币电子商务网站。我们一直致力于新项目并投资于系统,以使我们的社区和加密货币生态系统受益。电报中的 BCDBazaar https://bit.ly/TBCDBazaar https://t.co/ihvizn99y0

发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

"We're very excited to work with Chimpion"- Marks Jewelers.
We’re grateful to help business owners like Jim, who has operated for over 10 years of translation into the next generation of E-Commerce payments. https://t.co/9mY6TpScCw

“我们很高兴与 Chimpion 合作”- Marks Jewelers。
我们很感激能帮助像 Jim 这样的企业主,他已经运营了 10 多年,致​​力于将电子商务支付转化为下一代。 https://t.co/9mY6TpScCw

发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

Chimpion is here to help, check out the homepage for info about our services, where to buy bnana, and what we are currently working on. We welcome all new users! https://www.chimpion.io/ https://t.co/KNQMqYhD8d

Chimpion 随时为您提供帮助,请查看主页以获取有关我们的服务、哪里可以购买 bnana 以及我们目前正在做什么的信息。我们欢迎所有新用户! https://www.chimpion.io/ https://t.co/KNQMqYhD8d

发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

Our partners at @BitcoinDiamond_ are working hard on development improvements, and our own development team is working hard on the next rollout of #updates on the #BCDpay wallet! https://t.co/Y748BafmF8

我们@BitcoinDiamond_ 的合作伙伴正在努力改进开发,我们自己的开发团队正在努力下一次推出

发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

Chimpion was founded to help fill the gap that #cryptocurrency faces these days, outlets we will help build up the digital empire that helps turn the gears for cryptocurrency #payments. https://t.co/MCofOVofjO

Chimpion 的成立是为了帮助填补这一空白

发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

We have great news, our new partner for the next springboard event is Flippa, the largest buy/sell business platform. With their support our staking options we can offer just reached a new level. Read more about it here : https://is.gd/f5AuwV https://t.co/hyeINQgieW

我们有个好消息,我们下一个跳板活动的新合作伙伴是最大的买卖业务平台 Flippa。在他们的支持下,我们可以提供的质押选择达到了一个新的水平。在此处阅读更多信息:https://is.gd/f5AuwV https://t.co/hyeINQgieW

发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

New to Chimpion? check out our detailed resources listed on our website https://www.chimpion.io/
We have many projects under development from company staking to Wallet creation! https://t.co/MIgv3FdoQj

新来的猩猩?查看我们网站上列出的详细资源 https://www.chimpion.io/
从公司质押到钱包创建,我们有许多项目正在开发中! https://t.co/MIgv3FdoQj

发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

The team behind Chimpion is working hard, finding new outlets for our community, we are currently looking for new #exchanges to support our token and working on building wider adoption for Chimpion! #crypto #cryptocurrency #chimpionteam https://t.co/KCBbAyLGcz

Chimpion 背后的团队正在努力工作,为我们的社区寻找新的出路,我们目前正在寻找新的

发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

Included in this post is a list with all #bounties paid from our recent campaign. We believe in transparency is the key to building trust among our Community. https://www.chimpion.io/bounty
So far all bounties claimed have been paid.
#cryptocurrency #Crypto #bounty #bountyhunter https://t.co/VSbiOEJkMH


发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

It’s Springboard time! Our first round of buybacks for our founding stake projects are happening soon. Over 250K+ will be returned to #investors to #reward them for their support. Don’t miss out on our next projects! Sign up here https://is.gd/f5AuwV
#cryptocurrency #Crypto https://t.co/6FbliPdd03

现在是跳板时间!我们的创始股权项目的第一轮回购即将发生。超过 250K 将退还给

发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

Our Chimpion Pay is still open for coin groups or community's, wanting to take the next step and provide their community with a dedicated wallet and Storefront, Read more here https://www.chimpion.io/mercha...
#crypto #cryptocurrency #CryptoWallet https://t.co/A22WuLjQDC

我们的 Chimpion Pay 仍对硬币团体或社区开放,希望采取下一步行动并为他们的社区提供专用钱包和店面,在此处阅读更多信息 https://www.chimpion.io/mercha...

发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

Those are interested in the Springboard project can Pre-Register for the next #Token event we were overwhelmed by the community support on our last sale, so don't miss out this time. https://bit.ly/2KeBafm
#crypto #Cryptocurrency https://t.co/SjGxCKY4Y6


发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

Have you tried out the #BCDpay wallet with Native support for BCD and Bitcoin and jam-packed full of features you wouldn't want to miss out. Download free today https://bit.ly/2XqPFmD
#bcdwallet #crypto #cryptowallet #bitcoindiamond https://t.co/MKbsuPwtIR


发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

@StaceyGgol hi

@StaceyGgol 嗨

发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

Those who are interested in the Springboard project can Pre-Register for the next project event, we were overwhelmed by the community support on our last sale, so don't miss out this time. https://bit.ly/2KeBafm
#crypto #cryptocurrency https://t.co/q460ULzRz4

对 Springboard 项目感兴趣的朋友可以提前报名参加下一个项目活动,我们在上一次销售中得到了社区的支持,所以这次不要错过。 https://bit.ly/2KeBafm

发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

Hey @Snapchat, thank you for fixing #snapchatfilters to work for Chimpions! Next week should be great, have a good #weekend! https://t.co/APQ0OyOA7V


发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

Have no fear, fellow chimps, and #bountyhunters. The Chimpion bounty campaign will come back online soon. Stay tuned for further updates.#bounty #chimpion #bountyprogram https://t.co/bUqkJxl7kT


发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情

Hey hunters we've heard your comments about the bounties don't worry @bounty0x has been auditing and calculating all the claimed bounties and BNANA will be disturbed to all participating hunters. ETA Mid June #bountyprogram #crypto #airdrop #chimpion https://t.co/sPYkxs5qZF

嘿,猎人,我们听到了您对赏金的评论,不要担心@bounty0x 一直在审核和计算所有声称的赏金,BNANA 将对所有参与的猎人感到不安。预计六月中旬

发表时间:4年前 作者:Chimpion @chimpionio详情