用户 elrond(@ ElrondNetwork) 的最新消息

Data is becoming a significant pillar of the Web3 economy.
@itheum is building the next-gen infrastructure that will allow users to own, control and monetize their data in a trustless & transparent way.
We welcome them as an X Day Paris Gold Partner.
🎟https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/yEfwRPphjQ

数据正在成为 Web3 经济的重要支柱。
@itheum 正在构建下一代基础设施,允许用户以无需信任的方式拥有、控制和货币化他们的数据

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

RT: The promise of a new wave of innovation & productivity brought by blockchain tech is closer to reality.
Ecosystems are forming, adoption is accelerating, and value is being created.
W/ the first apps going mainstream, a sudden perception shift will emerge.
Weekly #elrondtech🛠️ https://t.co/RHtPJ96JxR


发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

The impressive merge of properties between blockchain & gaming can enhance players' experiences through open economies.
@CantinaRoyale explores this massive unexplored potential.
We're excited to introduce them as an X Day Paris Gold Partner.
🎟 https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/UZJMixdZQc


发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

DeFi is changing the way we interact with money by creating new financial primitives that operate 24/7 and are accessible to anyone, anywhere.
Introducing @ash_swap as an X Day Paris Gold Partner.
🎟 https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/Ri9a7VyFve

DeFi 正在改变我们与金钱互动的方式,它创建了 24/7 全天候运行并且任何人、任何地方都可以访问的新金融原语。
介绍 @ash_swap 作为 X Day 巴黎黄金合作伙伴。
🎟 https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/Ri9a7VyFve

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

Constant innovation. Unyielding dedication. Visionary leadership.
These are the shared core principles of incubated startups by the @BHeroLaunchpad.
We’re excited to announce that @BlackHatNetwork will join X Day Paris as a Gold Partner.
🎟 https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/5AJnYpwQGg

这些是@BHeroLaunchpad 孵化的初创公司的共同核心原则。
我们很高兴地宣布@BlackHatNetwork 将作为金牌合作伙伴加入 X Day Paris。
🎟 https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/5AJnYpwQGg

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

The @ElrondNetwork Ecosystem is buzzing with untapped creativity.
@xoxnoNFTs channels that creative energy into expanding the reach of internet-scale NFTs.
We’re excited to announce them as an X Day Paris Silver Partner.
🎟 https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/2T4zGbEol8

@ElrondNetwork 生态系统充满了未开发的创造力。
@xoxnoNFTs 将创造性能量引导到扩大互联网规模 NFT 的范围。
我们很高兴地宣布他们成为 X Day 巴黎银牌合作伙伴。
🎟 https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/2T4zGbEol8

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

At the core of the Elrond Ecosystem are the relentless builders expanding the notion of what’s possible.
X Day Paris will be jam-packed with product showcases from our partners.
We’re thrilled to welcome @EntityFinance as a Gold Partner.
🎟 https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/JrhEiC86hA

Elrond 生态系统的核心是不断扩展可能性概念的建设者。
X Day Paris 将挤满我们合作伙伴的产品展示。
我们很高兴欢迎@EntityFinance 成为金牌合作伙伴。
🎟 https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/JrhEiC86hA

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

The synergies between blockchain and gaming are incontestable and their bond soon-to-be inseparable.
We are happy to announce that leading ecosystem Unreal Engine 5-powered MMORPG @AgeOfZalmoxis will be joining us at X Day as Platinum Partner.
🎟https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/MGwhbGMP4g

我们很高兴地宣布,由虚幻引擎 5 驱动的领先生态系统 MMORPG @AgeOfZalmoxis 将作为白金合作伙伴加入 X Day。
🎟https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/MGwhbGMP4g

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

RT: There's no better way to do a deep dive into @ElrondNetwork ecosystem and builders than @EGLD_Community. 🔥
Final touches before a cool X Day collaboration.
Time to take hold of your account 👊
https://egld.community/ https://t.co/dKbVXPSly8

RT:没有比@EGLD_Community 更好地深入了解@ElrondNetwork 生态系统和建设者的方法了。 🔥
在酷炫的 X Day 合作之前进行最后的润色。
https://egld.community/ https://t.co/dKbVXPSly8

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

We’re bringing together the most innovative projects across the ecosystem to our kick-off annual conference, so that you can get to know more about their vision.
@HatomProtocol is joining us at X Day as a Platinum Partner.
🎟 https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/I4SrnRuJyE

@HatomProtocol 将作为白金合作伙伴参加 X Day。
🎟 https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/I4SrnRuJyE

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

We’re bringing together the most innovative projects across the ecosystem to our kick-off annual conference, so that you can get to know more about their vision.
@HatomProtocol is joining us at X Day as a Platinum Partner.
🎟 https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/Z4gs9WUpjB

@HatomProtocol 将作为白金合作伙伴参加 X Day。
🎟 https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/Z4gs9WUpjB

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

RT: A new DeFi protocol takes shape. Built on Elrond.
The next Maiar Launchpad startup is here.
$EGLD snapshots and KYC are LIVE.
56,000 tickets. 10 snapshot days. It’s time to stake 🔥

RT:一个新的 DeFi 协议正在形成。建立在埃尔隆德之上。
下一个 Maiar Launchpad 创业公司就在这里。
$EGLD 快照和 KYC 已上线。
56,000 张门票。 10 个快照日。是时候下注了🔥

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

.@Opera integration with $EGLD, ESDTs and Elrond dApps plays a key role for the large-scale adoption of our ecosystem.
We’re excited to announce that the symbiosis between the internet-scale blockchain and the leading web-browser evolves around X Day.
🎟 https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/rS2fgCkSyo

.@Opera 与 $EGLD、ESDT 和 Elrond dApps 的集成对于我们生态系统的大规模采用起着关键作用。
我们很高兴地宣布,互联网规模的区块链和领先的网络浏览器之间的共生关系围绕 X Day 展开。
🎟 https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/rS2fgCkSyo

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

Brief Maiar Launchpad update.
Due to a technical issue with the KYC provider - we will be postponing the start of launchpad registrations for @ash_swap until tomorrow 16:00 UTC.
Stay tuned, as we will update once the issue is fully solved.

简短的 Maiar Launchpad 更新。
由于 KYC 提供商的技术问题 - 我们将推迟 @ash_swap 启动板注册的开始,直到明天 16:00 UTC。

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

A purposeful vision demands resourceful companions.
We are thrilled to welcome @digitalocean as an X Day Strategic Partner.
All roads lead to Paris!
🎟️https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/5rmLAQDOqM

我们很高兴欢迎 @digitalocean 成为 X Day 战略合作伙伴。
🎟️https://xday.com/paris https://t.co/5rmLAQDOqM

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

RT: Calling all @ElrondNetwork Validators. 🛠️
elrond-go v.1.3.44 brings several fixes and optimizations on trie syncer, node db cleaner, gas computation methods and NFT storage.
It’s time to upgrade!
Release notes are available here: https://elrond.com/releases/re... https://t.co/A0ESjYBNjV

RT:调用所有@ElrondNetwork 验证器。 🛠️
elrond-go v.1.3.44 对 trie 同步器、节点数据库清理器、gas 计算方法和 NFT 存储进行了一些修复和优化。
此处提供了发行说明:https://elrond.com/releases/re。 .. https://t.co/A0ESjYBNjV

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

RT: A new startup is ready to take the stage on the Maiar Launchpad 🔥
Thrilled to introduce @ash_swap, the first Elrond-based DeFi protocol to leverage a stableswap model.
$EGLD staking snapshots & KYC begin tomorrow, October 11th, 13:00 UTC.

RT:一家新的初创公司已准备好在 Maiar Launchpad 上登台 🔥
很高兴介绍@ash_swap,这是第一个利用稳定交换模型的基于 Elrond 的 DeFi 协议。
$EGLD 质押快照

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

📰 Media mentions:
@CNBCTV18Live @nulltxnews @CrowdWisdom360 @CoinJournal

📰 媒体提及:
@CNBCTV18Live @nulltxnews @CrowdWisdom360 @CoinJournal

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

🎟 Applications open for developers, builders and educators
💯 1M EGLD staked during the last 30 days
📊 @MaiarExchange Weekly Report

🎟 应用程序向开发人员、建设者和教育工作者开放
💯 1M EGLD 在过去 30 天内质押
📊 @MaiarExchange 周报

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情

🌎 @ElrondNetwork
1,89M accounts • 59,12M transactions • 14,40M staked

📲 @getMaiar
1,13M users • 123K users stake $EGLD

⚡ @MaiarExchange
$456 Million USD TVL • $18 Million USD 7d volume

🌎 @ElrondNetwork
189 万个账户 • 5912 万笔交易 • 1440 万个质押

113 万用户 • 12.3 万用户质押 $EGLD

⚡ @MaiarExchange
4.56 亿美元 TVL • 1800 万美元 7d 卷

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork详情