用户 GlitzKoin(@ GlitzkoinToken) 的最新消息

Jan 2021 to December 2021 investing $15,000 in #XLM would get you less than 25% appreciation. The same amount and time with #Glitzkoin delivered a 400% ROI! https://www.linkedin.com/posts... https://t.co/dYFk3go8SV

1月2021至2021年12月,投资15000美元的XLM将使你不到25%的升值。与#Glitzkoin相同的数量和时间带来了400%的投资回报率!https://www.linkedin.com/posts... https://t.co/dYFk3go8SV

发表时间:2年前 作者:GlitzKoin @GlitzkoinToken详情

The recovery of #Bitcoin is not going to happen with continued price pumping. #BTC needs a robust trading platform like #DiaEx to give some semblance of true value https://www.linkedin.com/posts... https://t.co/vaRKt2aYFV

随着价格持续上涨,比特币的复苏不会发生#BTC需要一个像#DiaEx这样的强大交易平台来提供一些真实价值的假象https://www.linkedin.com/posts... https://t.co/vaRKt2aYFV

发表时间:2年前 作者:GlitzKoin @GlitzkoinToken详情

Yes 2022 is all about real performance. Neither #XRP nor #XLM nor #Glitzkoin nor #ADA can take it lightly. Options exist for the #CryptoInvestor and nothing can be taken for granted. https://t.co/ICAjci1i4A


发表时间:2年前 作者:GlitzKoin @GlitzkoinToken详情

Talk about when #Glitzkoin would overtake #Cardano has begun. The fact is that we are focused on improving investor returns and developing the project further. At the end of the day it is investors who will do the price equations. https://t.co/mvHAToQMbr


发表时间:2年前 作者:GlitzKoin @GlitzkoinToken详情

CEO clarifies on 'Big News In 2022' for #Glitzkoin rumor. https://www.linkedin.com/posts... https://t.co/fGsAzJsY2V

《2022年的大新闻》首席执行官克莱菲斯为《格利茨科恩·鲁莫尔》撰稿。https://www.linkedin.com/posts... https://t.co/fGsAzJsY2V

发表时间:2年前 作者:GlitzKoin @GlitzkoinToken详情

Interesting that #GlitzkoinGTN which yielded 400% ROI from Jan 2021 to Dec 2021 did not find a place in this list but, #ADA got mentioned twice in the same list - the temptation to do a paid pump? https://twitter.com/rovercrc/s...

You can only hold one in 2022:
- $VET
- $XRP
- $ADA
- $TRX
- $ETH
- $ADA
Which one do you choose? 🚀

发表时间:2年前 作者:Crypto Rover 🧙‍♂️ @rovercrc



发表时间:2年前 作者:GlitzKoin @GlitzkoinToken详情

This is absolutely clear and has been well demonstrated in 2021. #Bitcoin is way too risk above $28,000. Unless you have sacks of money to risk and lockup. #BTC has already dropped in popularity with thousands of #cryptoinvestors https://t.co/pqGi29SxbA


发表时间:2年前 作者:GlitzKoin @GlitzkoinToken详情

@rovercrc Presuming that you are already holding #GlitzkoinGTN which gave a 400% ROI when comparing, Jan 2021 price with Dec 2021 price points. No point in blowing the same trumpets just because other analysts are doing so. You got no place for #Glitzkoin but pumped #ADA twice in that list

RoVrCRC假定你已经持有了GLIZZKIGN,当你把2021的价格与DEC 2021的价格点比较时,它给出了400%的投资回报率。仅仅因为其他分析师也在吹响同样的号角是没有意义的。你没有格利兹科因的位置,但在那张名单上给了艾达两次机会

发表时间:2年前 作者:GlitzKoin @GlitzkoinToken详情