用户 Algorand Foundation(@ AlgoFoundation) 的最新消息

Transitioning from TradFi To Crypto @PatriciaWuNYC speaks with @StaciW_DC. Outlining her plans for TradFi and cryptocurrencies as well as the development of @AlgoFoundation @Algorand
Watch Now: https://www.fintech.tv/News/De...

从 TradFi 过渡到 Crypto @PatriciaWuNYC 与 @StaciW_DC 交谈。概述她对 TradFi 和加密货币的计划以及@AlgoFoundation @Algorand 的开发
立即观看:https ://www.fintech.tv/News/De...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

Impossible to Fork that's a well-done Stake-Proof 🥩#ShapeTheFuture #GreenCrypto
One of the trilemmas is Scalability, this is a talk about Scaling Blockchains: Building the Decentralized Economy - TOKEN2049 Singapore 2022 with our own @StaciW_DC

不可能分叉这是一个很好的 Stake-Proof 🥩

发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

The 4 week PyTeal Bootcamp will be completely on line and free and will have an option to join Monash University Hackathon at the end. You will also be eligible to apply for a free scholarship for assessment and certification.
by the @AlgoHUB_io https://twitter.com/AlgoHUB_io...

Its time to learn to program on the Blockchain for free with our #PyTeal #Developer #Bootcamp Sign up to our free info session
@blockmum @BlockBeamio @algodevs @AlgoFamily @nonfungibleab @jasonleecj @hamishjones @doroungerlee @SummerAlgorand https://t.co/33g4joY5KS

发表时间:1年前 作者:Algo-Hub.io @AlgoHUB_io

为期 4 周的 PyTeal 训练营将完全在线且免费,并且最后可以选择加入蒙纳士大学黑客松。您还将有资格申请免费奖学金以进行评估和认证。
https://www.eventbrite.com .au/...
由@AlgoHUB_io https://twitter.com/AlgoHUB_io...


发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

RT: Its time to learn to program on the Blockchain for free with our #PyTeal #Developer #Bootcamp Sign up to our free info session
@blockmum @BlockBeamio @algodevs @AlgoFamily @nonfungibleab @jasonleecj @hamishjones @doroungerlee @SummerAlgorand https://t.co/33g4joY5KS


发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

RT: We attended the Algorand Greenhouse Tech Talks and Hack Shack in Singapore. The team announced a ton of upgrades planned for the blockchain to improve developer UX.
@DevGreenhouse https://t.co/Ep0VtmrQN1

RT:我们参加了在新加坡举行的 Algorand Greenhouse 技术讲座和 Hack Shack。该团队宣布计划对区块链进行大量升级,以改善开发人员的用户体验。
@DevGreenhouse https://t.co/Ep0VtmrQN1

发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

RT: Participation nodes are really easy to set up! They have low technical requirements and can be done on personal computers, even without #AWS or #Azure.
With a low barrier to entry, anyone around the world can do it, which makes @Algorand more decentralized than most blockchains. https://t.co/GU2iGrkmBj


发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

RT: It has 2 types of nodes to optimize high throughput:
1. Relay nodes for efficient communication
2. Participation nodes for block proposals
Additionally, the network requires just 2/3 of its members to be honest for Algorand to run seamlessly. https://t.co/cGycX2jloF

1. 高效通信的中继节点
2. 区块提案的参与节点
此外,该网络只需要 2/3 的成员诚实,Algorand 就可以无缝运行。 https://t.co/cGycX2jloF

发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

RT: Did you know that Algorand is able to process up to 6000 TPS?!
It also uses a Verifiable Random Function (VRF) to select its validators. That means nearly 100% decentralization even if you have 1 or 10000 ALGO!
But how is Algorand able to complete transactions that quickly? https://t.co/3e23IKspJq

RT:你知道 Algorand 能够处理高达 6000 TPS 吗?!
它还使用可验证随机函数 (VRF) 来选择其验证者。这意味着即使您有 1 或 10000 个 ALGO,也几乎 100% 去中心化!
但是 Algorand 是如何快速完成交易的呢? https://t.co/3e23IKspJq

发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

RT: What is @Algorand?
Algorand is a permissionless blockchain that solves decentralization, security, and scalability with its Pure Proof-of-Stake consensus. https://t.co/9gSA4CU0im

RT:@Algorand 是什么?
Algorand 是一个无需许可的区块链,通过其纯权益证明共识解决了去中心化、安全性和可扩展性问题。 https://t.co/9gSA4CU0im

发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

RT: You've seen the recent F1 race in Singapore, but what if there was something faster that occurred in the same week?
We're talking about the several @Algorand events held here! But what is Algorand and how is it faster than F1 cars?
Let's explore the F1 of blockchains. 🧵👇🏻 https://t.co/xnUvYtbAFT

RT:您已经看过最近在新加坡举行的 F1 比赛,但如果在同一周发生了更快的比赛怎么办?
我们正在谈论这里举行的几个@Algorand 活动!但是什么是 Algorand,它比 F1 赛车快多少?
让我们探索区块链的F1。 🧵👇🏻 https://t.co/xnUvYtbAFT

发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

RT: New Computer Corporation (@ncc_la) has developed an open-source suite of tools built on #Algorand, that are designed to help any company quickly move into the world of #Web3. More via @adage 👉 https://adage.com/article/agen... @AlgoFoundation

RT:New Computer Corporation (@ncc_la) 开发了一套基于

发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

RT: #Algo 🎙Week 54 #NFT Hangout 🚀Friday 6PM EST Come chat 🎤 Share Like Retweet & SET a Reminder❗️#Algorand #NFT #ETH #ADA #SOL #BTC  #XRP #AlgoNFT $Algo @shonftz @StrtupBoost 🚀Leave comments or questions below👇🏽 https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1...


发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

RT: @Algo_Bharat is looking to work with #Web3 developers and entrepreneurs in #Bharat so @CryptooIndia community reach out to us ..this should be up there in @CryptoIndiaNews https://twitter.com/Algo_Bhara...

RT:@Algo_Bharat 正在寻求合作

发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

Did you know that #Algorand governance enrollment has been extended by 7 days?
Be sure to check out the timer on the 'ALGO Governance' tab here for an accurate countdown👇
Currently 400K+ $GARD is being staked on our V2.
1/🧵 https://t.co/jCJxKCEbxR


发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

RT: #AuctionUpdate #AndreaBonaceto's 'AB Infinite 1' realised £151,200. An extraordinary vision by one of the world's leading NFT artists, this digital interactive tapestry represents a pioneering collaboration between artist and viewer. @andreabonac https://t.co/qXtMyrEiOK


发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

RT: I just want to deeply thank all the people that supported me during my artistic journey. This incredible result would have not been possible without you ❤️‍🔥 https://twitter.com/ChristiesI... https://t.co/a2n7HktjOn

RT:我只想深深感谢在我的艺术之旅中支持我的所有人。如果没有你,这个令人难以置信的结果是不可能的❤️‍🔥 https://twitter.com/ChristiesI... https://t.co/a2n7HktjOn

发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

Congratulazioni @andreabonac 🇮🇹 for a historical result. His @algorand-based NFT "AB INFINITE 1" sold at the most important contemporary art sale of the year at @ChristiesInc for £151,200. Bridging the gap between NFT art and traditional art done right - we are proud! #AlgoFam https://twitter.com/ChristiesI...

#AuctionUpdate #AndreaBonaceto's 'AB Infinite 1' realised £151,200. An extraordinary vision by one of the world's leading NFT artists, this digital interactive tapestry represents a pioneering collaboration between artist and viewer. @andreabonac https://t.co/qXtMyrEiOK

发表时间:1年前 作者:Christie's @ChristiesInc

祝贺 @andreabonac 🇮🇹 取得历史性成绩。他基于@algorand 的 NFT“AB INFINITE 1”在@ChristiesInc 的年度最重要的当代艺术拍卖会上以 151,200 英镑的价格售出。弥合 NFT 艺术与传统艺术之间的差距 - 我们很自豪!

#AuctionUpdate #AndreaBonaceto's 'AB Infinite 1' realised £151,200. An extraordinary vision by one of the world's leading NFT artists, this digital interactive tapestry represents a pioneering collaboration between artist and viewer. @andreabonac https://t.co/qXtMyrEiOK

发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情

RT: BOOM! @andreabonac. Congrats! 🥳🥳. This is just gorgeous. #NFTs https://twitter.com/ChristiesI...

RT:轰! @andreabonac。恭喜! 🥳🥳。这真是太棒了。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation详情