用户 Request(@ RequestNetwork) 的最新消息

RT: Had a great time speaking with @DanniiAshmore on the future of crypto payments, volatility and the bear market.
Read our full conversation on @InvezzPortal at: https://invezz.com/news/2022/1...

RT:与@DanniiAshmore 就加密支付的未来、波动性和熊市进行了愉快的交谈。
阅读我们在@InvezzPortal 上的完整对话:https ://invezz.com/news/2022/1...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

@SebVentures @argentHQ @Breez_Tech @zksync Our DMs (and APIs) are open :)

@SebVentures @argentHQ @Breez_Tech @zksync 我们的 DM(和 API)是开放的 :)

发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

RT: #DeletePayPal - Surprise! PayPal still has another $2,500 fine buried in their acceptable use policy.
They can deduct a "minimum" of $2,500 directly from your account for promoting "intolerance".
On @RequestFinance, over your own keys and crypto - you will always be sovereign. https://t.co/GoeQ4Iw5kT


发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

RT: We recently shared with @Blockworks_ about how stablecoins are continuing to grow in popularity for enterprise payments like payroll on @RequestFinance
@shaliniX0 reports

RT:我们最近与@Blockworks_ 分享了稳定币如何在@RequestFinance 上的工资单等企业支付中继续流行
@shaliniX0 报告
https://blockworks.co/coinbase。 ..

发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

RT: $REQ Thread🔥
Here is why @RequestNetwork is highly valuable👇 https://t.co/uplmGktj9y

RT:$REQ 线程🔥
这就是为什么@RequestNetwork 非常有价值👇 https://t.co/uplmGktj9y

发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

RT: Did you listen to our VIP Market Leader, @RequestNetwork podcast episode? You should! We had a great discussion on managing all you crypto transactions with Request. You can listen to this episode with @LassuytChristop using this link:

RT:你听过我们的 VIP 市场领导者@RequestNetwork 播客节目吗?你应该!我们就使用 Request 管理所有加密交易进行了精彩的讨论。您可以使用此链接与@LassuytChristop 一起收听这一集:

发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

RT: We are happy to announce our first Twitter Spaces with @RequestFinance!
Our Twitter Spaces will be a series focusing on introductions to unique DeFi projects to shine the spotlight on how they continue to BUIDL despite the Bear Market.
Set a reminder!
https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1... https://t.co/rm5fOAvF1y

RT:我们很高兴通过@RequestFinance 宣布我们的第一个 Twitter 空间!
我们的 Twitter Spaces 将是一个系列,重点介绍独特的 DeFi 项目,以突出它们如何在熊市中继续 BUIDL。
https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1... https://t .co/rm5fOAvF1y

发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

@NFT_World_News Thanks for the feature :)

@NFT_World_News 感谢这个功能 :)

发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

RT: Earlier this month, it announced to little fanfare that it had hit nearly $250 million in total payments volume since launching in January 2021.
Read more here👇

RT:本月早些时候,它大张旗鼓地宣布,自 2021 年 1 月推出以来,其总支付额已达到近 2.5 亿美元。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

RT: People want to find freedom, fulfilment & purpose. The Web3 ethos & DAOs’ fluid employment nature are making this happen
- 60M self-employed in US 🌟
- 540K active DAO members (+1000% in 1-year) @DeepDAO_io 📈
- $250M paid-out via @parcelHQ & @RequestFinance (+60% MoM)


发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

@BluejayFinance @RequestFinance Real world value, now and always! Glad to see more builders like @BluejayFinance working to bring more currencies and economies on-chain.

@BluejayFinance @RequestFinance 真实世界的价值,现在和永远!很高兴看到更多像@BluejayFinance 这样的建设者致力于将更多的货币和经济体上链。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

RT: @RequestFinance is helping web3 companies in dealing with their finances.
We invited them to our Twitter spaces awhile ago and here's a recording of the session where we discussed how they are simplifying crypto payments and invoicing.

RT:@RequestFinance 正在帮助 web3 公司处理他们的财务问题。
不久前,我们邀请他们访问我们的 Twitter 空间,这是我们讨论他们如何简化加密支付和发票的会议记录。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

RT: "Real World DeFi" seems to be one of the best phrases to encapsulate this space so far. RWA works to an extent, but the term leaves out amazing crypto payments players like @Superfluid_HQ @RequestNetwork @WindWallet @SuberraProtocol and more https://twitter.com/centrifuge...

RT:“Real World DeFi”似乎是迄今为止封装这个空间的最佳短语之一。 RWA 在一定程度上有效,但该术语排除了像 @Superfluid_HQ @RequestNetwork @WindWallet @SuberraProtocol 等令人惊叹的加密支付玩家以及更多 https://twitter.com/centrifuge...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

RT: Um, no @PayPal. A cold wallet stores private keys offline. Private keys are used to access and transfer crypto. The cryptocurrency remains on the blockchain.
Guess that'll be another $2,500 for spreading "misinformation"👀 https://twitter.com/PayPal/sta... https://t.co/xbEwSPxJEn

猜猜这将是另外 2,500 美元用于传播“错误信息”👀 https://twitter.com/PayPal/sta。 .. https://t.co/xbEwSPxJEn

发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

RT: Just shipped another security feature for all @RequestFinance users. Proven to reduce hacked account by over 90% 🧵👇

RT:刚刚为所有@RequestFinance 用户提供了另一个安全功能。被证明可以将被黑帐户减少 90% 以上🧵👇

发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

AMA with Request Team 📢
For everyone who missed out on our AMA in Sep 22, you can find the full conversation transcripts here 👇

与请求团队的 AMA 📢
对于错过 9 月 22 日 AMA 的每个人,您可以在此处找到完整的对话记录👇

发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

Network Usage Sep 22 ⚡️
Sep. saw a monthly decrease of 13%, totalling 8,323 transactions. The fluctuation in transactions is expected, but still encouraging as we have witnessed our ecosystem getting stronger even if growth has faltered
Total no. of wallets grew to 41,258
[5] https://t.co/Ta04Rk94ru

9 月 22 日的网络使用情况⚡️
9 月环比下降 13%,共计 8,323 笔交易。交易的波动在意料之中,但仍然令人鼓舞,因为我们见证了我们的生态系统变得更加强大,即使增长步履蹒跚
总数的钱包增长到 41,258
[5] https://t.co/Ta04Rk94ru

发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

Open Role at Request 👀
A Full Stack developer role has opened up for the protocol
If you’re passionate about blockchain, & want to be part of a global team that places a high emphasis on diversity and inclusion, this role might be right for you


发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情

Request & @graphprotocol ✨
The Request payment mainnet subgraph is now live on TheGraph decentralized network
This means that indexing of Request’s proxy smart-contracts for querying of payment data, has moved from The Graph's hosted service to their decentralized network 🙌 https://t.co/iGqEC0Prq8


发表时间:1年前 作者:Request @RequestNetwork详情