用户 Decentraland(@ decentraland) 的最新消息

RT: Discover big @Amazon #PrimeDay device savings at the #837X pop-up shop.
Save on the Galaxy Tab A8, Galaxy Z Fold4 and more. #Metaverse @Decentraland https://bit.ly/samsung837x


发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

RT: We provide accurate data on dapps which are based on smart contracts mainly submitted by developers. @decentraland is currently updating their smart contracts and we’ll recalculate their metrics.
Read our blog post to understand how our key metrics work: https://dappradar.com/blog/dap...

RT:我们提供基于主要由开发人员提交的智能合约的 dapp 的准确数据。 @decentraland 目前正在更新他们的智能合约,我们将重新计算他​​们的指标。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

RT: We're working with @DappRadar to update their dashboard, from the original 13 tracked contracts to currently 3553 to show a more complete analysis moving forward. https://dappradar.com/blog/dap...

RT:我们正在与@DappRadar 合作更新他们的仪表板,从最初的 13 个跟踪合约到目前的 3553 个,以显示更完整的分析向前发展。 https://dappradar.com/blog /dap...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

RT: The metaverse may still be a new place, but it certainly is not a lonely one. ❤️
Defining 'Active Users' in the metaverse can be tricky and varied approaches can result in the spread of misinformation.
Let's dive into what this means👇

RT:元宇宙可能仍然是一个新的地方,但它肯定不是一个孤独的地方。 ❤️

发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

RT: AsiaVerse was a major contributor to DigitX, bringing @DLSUManila, a top university in the Philippines, into @decentraland. Alongside @pdaxph @YGGPilipinas and more, we had a series of web3 lectures for hundreds of graduating students over the week.
Play👉https://play.decentraland.org/... https://t.co/wUUdtk6X3c

RT:AsiaVerse 是 DigitX 的主要贡献者,将菲律宾顶尖大学 @DLSUManila 引入 @decentraland。除了@pdaxph @YGGPilipinas 等等,我们在一周内为数百名即将毕业的学生举办了一系列 web3 讲座。
玩👉发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

RT: The metaverse may still be a new place, but it certainly is not a lonely one. ❤️
Defining 'Active Users' in the metaverse can be tricky and varied approaches can result in the spread of misinformation.
Let's dive into what this means👇

RT:元宇宙可能仍然是一个新的地方,但它肯定不是一个孤独的地方。 ❤️

发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

RT: The amazing @yararasita speaking about the @decentraland ecosystem Grants Program from the @DecentralandDAO tomorrow here! https://twitter.com/Livepeer/s...

RT:令人惊叹的@yararasita 明天在这里从@DecentralandDAO 谈论@decentraland 生态系统赠款计划! https://twitter.com/Livepeer/s...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

RT: The metaverse may still be a new place, but it certainly is not a lonely one. ❤️
Defining 'Active Users' in the metaverse can be tricky and varied approaches can result in the spread of misinformation.
Let's dive into what this means👇

RT:元宇宙可能仍然是一个新的地方,但它肯定不是一个孤独的地方。 ❤️

发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

Empowering Creators in the hope that, when the masses realize why decentralization is important, a viable option will be available and the next iteration of the internet won’t be monopolized by a handful of corporations.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

Decentraland is a DAO and the only open source, Web3 metaverse platform that is owned and governed by its community.
The goal is to be a fun and entertaining platform with a thriving community that educates and onboards people to the philosophies and tech of Web3.

Decentraland 是一个 DAO,也是唯一一个由其社区拥有和管理的开源 Web3 元界平台。
目标是成为一个有趣且有趣的平台,拥有一个蓬勃发展的社区,教育和引导人们了解 Web3 的理念和技术。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

That’s to be expected as the metaverse is still very much in its early days and still has much growing and developing to do.
The number of tourists and speculators visiting the metaverse has decreased, but the community, a core of metaverse citizens, is steadily growing.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

When discussing the numbers in Decentraland, it’s worth keeping in mind that Decentraland is not a company and it doesn’t view users as a product by which to measure success.

在讨论 Decentraland 中的数字时,值得记住的是,Decentraland 不是一家公司,它不会将用户视为衡量成功的产品。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

If you look at Decentraland’s DAU numbers over the past year, it’s true that you will see a decline in overall numbers since the early metaverse hype of late 2021 when terms like ‘NFT’, ‘Web3’, and ‘metaverse’ were just starting to have a real presence in the mainstream.

如果您查看 Decentraland 过去一年的 DAU 数字,您确实会看到自 2021 年底早期元宇宙炒作以来总体数字有所下降,当时“NFT”、“Web3”和“元宇宙”等术语才刚刚开始在主流中有真正的存在。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

Currently, one of the most accurate dashboards that displays a close approximation of Decentraland’s DAU is DCL Metrics made by @DecentralandDAO grantees.

目前,最接近 Decentraland 的 DAU 的最准确的仪表板之一是由 @DecentralandDAO 受赠者制作的 DCL Metrics。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

The numbers according to the Decentraland Foundation data:
DAU around 8,000.

Let's have a look at some of September's data:
56,697 MAU
1,074 Users interacting with smart contracts
1,732 minted Emotes
6,315 sold Wearables
300 Creators received royalties
161 created Community Events
148 DAO Proposals

发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland
发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

We're working with @DappRadar to update their dashboard, from the original 13 tracked contracts to currently 3553 to show a more complete analysis moving forward. https://dappradar.com/blog/dap...

我们正在与@DappRadar 合作更新他们的仪表板,从最初的 13 个跟踪合约到目前的 3553 个,以显示更完整的分析向前发展。 https://dappradar.com/blog /dap...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

However, the list of contracts the @DappRadar tool had been tracking was not complete nor up to date, and it also didn’t account for one of the most common ways Decentraland users interact with smart contracts, which is via meta-transactions (purchasing a wearable, for example).

但是,@DappRadar 工具一直在跟踪的合约列表既不完整也不是最新的,而且它也没有说明 Decentraland 用户与智能合约交互的最常见方式之一,即通过元交易(购买例如可穿戴设备)。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情

This means that not even one of Decentraland’s 6k+ Wearable transactions in the month of September were counted by @DappRadar as the tool wasn’t counting these meta-transactions.

这意味着即使是 Decentraland 在 9 月份的 6k 可穿戴交易中的一笔交易也没有被 @DappRadar 计算在内,因为该工具没有计算这些元交易。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Decentraland @decentraland详情