用户 Ren(@ renprotocol) 的最新消息

Ren joins the @SolidlyETH family 🏳️🏴
To further boost $BTC liquidity on Ethereum, $12M will be supplied to the renBTC/wBTC pool, and $4M will be allocated to other volatile pools
We're excited to work together with @SolidlyETH to deepen liquidity for cross-chain assets🤝 https://twitter.com/SolidlyETH... https://t.co/J0tc6LOCIK

We're excited to reveal @renprotocol as one of our launch partners!🤝
Ren will deposit $12M in stable & $4M in volatile pairs for 1 year. Ren will be able to use its dilution-protected NFT to allocate weekly $SOLID emissions, for example to $renBTC, while earning back swap fees🚀 https://t.co/Ue7WORhYt2

发表时间:1年前 作者:Solidly @SolidlyETH

Ren 加入了@SolidlyETH 大家庭🏳️🏴
为了进一步提高以太坊上 $BTC 的流动性,1200 万美元将提供给 renBTC/wBTC 池,400 万美元将分配给其他易失性池
我们很高兴与@SolidlyETH 合作,加深跨链资产的流动性🤝 https://twitter。 com/SolidlyETH... https://t.co/J0tc6LOCIK

我们很高兴宣布@renprotocol 成为我们的发布合作伙伴之一!🤝

发表时间:1年前 作者:Ren @renprotocol详情

Topics include:
- Scalability improvements
- How improved scaling -> greater decentralization
- Where does consensus protocols fit in
- Bandwidth requirements
- Generalized MPC computation
- Why FROST?
- Security versus liveness considerations
- How Ren nodes know who to trust

- 可扩展性改进
- 如何改进缩放 -

发表时间:1年前 作者:Ren @renprotocol详情

Ren 2.0's MPC protocol based on FROST massively increases Ren's scalability, and hence decentralization, as it's capable of supporting thousands of nodes signing transactions together
A technical Q&A on it can be heard here from the latest community call: https://youtu.be/fevFPUFutyI

Ren 2.0 基于 FROST 的 MPC 协议极大地提高了 Ren 的可扩展性,从而实现去中心化,因为它能够支持数千个节点一起签署交易

发表时间:1年前 作者:Ren @renprotocol详情

@ManoppoMarco @tokenterminal Ren has made >$20M in earnings, mainly in BTC rewards, no token incentives, all distributed to node operators 🌉
That only 12 protocols in the whole crypto space have made >$5M earnings is probably underestimating by a lot, TT is updating their data pipeline atm

@ManoppoMarco @tokenterminal Ren 做了

发表时间:1年前 作者:Ren @renprotocol详情

This report highlights how challenging it is to build secure and reliable cross-chain bridges.
With Ren 2.0 we’re ushering in a new era of security for interoperability.
Dive into the details here:
https://medium.com/renproject/... https://twitter.com/tokentermi...

🌉 Bridge exploits account for ~50% of all DeFi exploits, totaling ~$2.5B in lost assets
These hacks can typically be attributed to smart contract loopholes (e.g. Wormhole & Nomad) or compromised private keys (e.g. Ronin & Harmony).
What will it take to create secure bridges? https://t.co/LrVf0W0zeK

发表时间:1年前 作者:Token Terminal @tokenterminal

借助 Ren 2.0,我们开启了互操作性安全的新时代。
https://medium.com/renproject/... https://twitter.com/tokentermi...

🌉 Bridge 漏洞利用占所有 DeFi 漏洞利用的约 50%,资产损失总计约 2.5B 美元
这些黑客攻击通常可归因于智能合约漏洞(例如 Wormhole

发表时间:1年前 作者:Ren @renprotocol详情

RT: 1/ 🔥 New integration 🔥 @renprotocol now supports direct token transfers to & from Moonbeam for Ren assets, such as $BTC & $ETH! https://twitter.com/renprotoco...

RT:1/ 🔥 新集成 🔥 @renprotocol 现在支持直接将代币转移到

发表时间:1年前 作者:Ren @renprotocol详情



发表时间:1年前 作者:Ren @renprotocol详情

Happy bridging🎊


发表时间:1年前 作者:Ren @renprotocol详情

Build cross-chain apps on Moonbeam today 🛠️
You can now build Cross-Chain dApps on Moonbeam with the RenJS SDK. Get started below 👇

立即在 Moonbeam 上构建跨链应用程序🛠️
您现在可以使用 RenJS SDK 在 Moonbeam 上构建跨链 dApp。从下面开始👇

发表时间:1年前 作者:Ren @renprotocol详情

What is Moonbeam? @MoonbeamNetwork
Moonbeam is an Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform for building cross-chain connected applications that can access users, assets, and services on any chain.

什么是月光? @月光网络
Moonbeam 是一个与以太坊兼容的智能合约平台,用于构建跨链连接的应用程序,可以访问任何链上的用户、资产和服务。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Ren @renprotocol详情

It’s a parachain on Polkadot and a highly specialized Layer 1 chain mirroring Ethereum’s Web3 RPC, accounts, keys, subscriptions, logs, and more, and extends the base Ethereum feature set with additional features such as on-chain governance, staking, and cross-chain integrations.

它是 Polkadot 上的平行链和高度专业化的 Layer 1 链,镜像以太坊的 Web3 RPC、帐户、密钥、订阅、日志等,并通过链上治理、质押和交叉等附加功能扩展了基本的以太坊功能集。链集成。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Ren @renprotocol详情

1/ The Ren DAO has funded its first community project 🎉
Renbase - Decentralized Liquid Staking for Ren nodes https://twitter.com/davidtperk...

I'm excited to introduce Renbase, a decentralized liquid staking protocol for @renprotocol.

发表时间:1年前 作者:David Perkins @davidtperk

1/ Ren DAO 资助了它的第一个社区项目🎉
Renbase - Ren 节点的分散式流动质押 https://twitter.com/davidtperk...

我很高兴向大家介绍 Renbase,这是一个针对 @renprotocol 的去中心化流动性质押协议。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Ren @renprotocol详情

2/ This project is being developed by a longtime community member—@davidtperk—known within the community for his deep and insightful posts on the Ren protocol and its potential 🧠

2/ 这个项目是由一位长期的社区成员——@davidtperk 开发的——他在社区中以他对 Ren 协议及其潜力的深刻而有见地的帖子而闻名 🧠

发表时间:1年前 作者:Ren @renprotocol详情