用户 Terra(@ terra_money) 的最新消息

RT: Terra Weekly #7 🛰
🔹New Airdrop Proposal, Future Stablecoin, Dual LP Rewards
And much more in 🧵👇
#Luna #TerraLuna #Cosmos @stablekwon https://t.co/Vhokq9vkIH


发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

RT: Secure your @terra_money assets with @iSafePal
You can now access the @terra_money ecosystem and secure your @terra_money assets with @iSafePal Software and Hardware🔒
🔽Learn More About @iSafePal Below
https://blog.safepal.com/luna/ https://t.co/FgorrmmMU0

RT:使用@iSafePal 保护您的@terra_money 资产
您现在可以访问@terra_money 生态系统并使用@iSafePal 软件和硬件保护您的@terra_money 资产🔒
https://blog.safepal.com/luna/ https://t.co/FgorrmmMU0

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

14/ Finally, $LUNA not claimed by Oct. 4th, 2022 will be returned to the Community Pool, including any unused gas fees. This is to make sure any unclaimed $LUNA is put to use!

14/ 最后,在 2022 年 10 月 4 日之前未领取的 $LUNA 将退还给社区池,包括任何未使用的汽油费。这是为了确保使用任何无人认领的 $LUNA!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

15/ With each step we take as a community, we move closer to a state where everyone is fully locked in on building the future of Web3 on Terra.
…And when we get there – with the power of this community – the possibilities are once again endless 🚀🚀

15/随着我们作为一个社区所采取的每一步,我们离每个人都完全专注于在 Terra 上构建 Web3 未来的状态更近了一步。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

12/ Step 4️⃣, cont’d: Users are strongly encouraged to compare the transaction body in the Agora post (in tweet 1/) to the one on the claim interface to avoid potential phishing scams.
Please also double check that the website URL you’re visiting is: https://phoenix-airdrop.terra.....

12/ 步骤 4️⃣,续:强烈建议用户将 Agora 帖子(推文 1/)中的交易主体与索赔界面上的交易主体进行比较,以避免潜在的网络钓鱼诈骗。
请仔细检查您访问的网站 URL 是否为:https://phoenix-airdrop.terra... .

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

13/ Step 5️⃣: That’s it! Your $LUNA airdrop will be sent and vested at the new Terra wallet address provided in step 3.

13/第5步️⃣:就是这样!您的 $LUNA 空投将被发送并归属于步骤 3 中提供的新 Terra 钱包地址。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

9/ Step 2️⃣: View the amount of $LUNA you are eligible to claim.

9/ 步骤 2️⃣:查看您有资格领取的 $LUNA 金额。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

10/ Step 3️⃣: You will be asked to provide a new Terra wallet address without any prior transaction history. This is where the $LUNA will get airdropped.

10/ 步骤 3️⃣:您将被要求提供一个新的 Terra 钱包地址,之前没有任何交易历史。这就是 $LUNA 将被空投的地方。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

11/ Step 4️⃣: You will be asked to sign a transaction using the wallet from step 1 to claim your airdrop.
**For those claiming from non-Terra chains, please keep in mind that a small amount of $LUNA will be deducted to account for gas fees.

11/ 步骤 4️⃣:您将被要求使用步骤 1 中的钱包签署交易以领取您的空投。
**对于那些从非 Terra 链中索赔的人,请记住,将扣除少量 $LUNA 以用于支付 gas 费用。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

7/ We’ve built an airdrop claim interface to make the process as seamless as possible. The interface will guide users through a 5-step flow. More on each step 👇

7/我们已经建立了一个空投索赔界面,以使过程尽可能无缝。该界面将引导用户完成 5 步流程。更多关于每一步👇

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

5/ To help avoid ecosystem instability after the airdrop, all $LUNA granted to holders of the following will vest over 2 years with a 6-month cliff:
- Less than 10k pre-attack $LUNC
- Any pre-attack $aUST
- Any post-attack $LUNC
- Any post-attack $USTC

5/ 为了避免空投后的生态系统不稳定,所有授予以下持有者的 $LUNA 将在 2 年内以 6 个月的悬崖归属:
- 少于 10k 预攻击 $LUNC
- 任何预攻击 $aUST
- 任何攻击后 $LUNC
- 任何攻击后 $USTC

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

6/ If prop 986 passes, users 🚨must 🚨claim their airdrop between Sep. 4th, 2022 and Oct. 4th, 2022.

6/ 如果 986 号道具通过,用户🚨必须🚨在 2022 年 9 月 4 日至 2022 年 10 月 4 日期间领取空投。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

2/ 🧵with the TLDR and how to claim your $LUNA if the proposal passes

2/ 🧵与 TLDR 以及如果提案通过,如何领取您的 $LUNA

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

3/ If passed, 19,504,909 $LUNA will be requested from the Community Pool to execute an airdrop to wallets that did not receive the correct amount at Genesis due to technical constraints or indexing issues.

3/ 如果通过,将向社区池请求 19,504,909 $LUNA 对由于技术限制或索引问题而在 Genesis 未收到正确金额的钱包执行空投。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

4/ The vesting schedule and airdrop calculations are the same as they were at Genesis, with one important difference…

4/ 归属时间表和空投计算与 Genesis 相同,但有一个重要区别……

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

1/ 📣Prop 986 to enable the correct allocation of $LUNA to the intended recipients from Genesis is live on Terra Station 📣
Cast your vote 🗳️👇
Read the full proposal w/ complete eligibility details 👇

1/ 📣Prop 986 可以将 $LUNA 正确分配给来自 Genesis 的预期接收者,该提案已在 Terra Station 上运行📣

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

RT: TFM is the complete DEX aggregation and analytics solution on Terra $LUNA 🌖
Fully LIVE experience 🤌
LIVE updating charts 🔥
LIVE updating trade history 🔥
LIVE updating mobile version 🔥
Get the best swap rates anywhere on Terra 😎 https://t.co/96fbBKFx0x

RT:TFM 是 Terra $LUNA 上完整的 DEX 聚合和分析解决方案🌖
在 Terra 的任何地方获得最佳掉期利率😎 https://t.co/96fbBKFx0x

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

RT: your Super Wallet now coming to your phones 🐸
that's right, we're full steam ahead with our mobile app for @terra_money 2.0 🔥
in-wallet swaps, DeFi, NFT gallery and much much more, coming soon
sign up here for early access 👇
https://bit.ly/3cl0Q9G https://t.co/vqPgGm0z5a

没错,我们的移动应用程序@terra_money 2.0 正在全力以赴🔥
钱包内交换、DeFi、NFT 库等等,即将推出
https://bit.ly/3cl0Q9G https://t.co/vqPgGm0z5a

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情

A new Astroport bounty is live:
Build a bot to call the Astroport dollar-cost-averaging (DCA) smart contract!
Bounty: 6,000 axlUSDC
More information below 👇 https://t.co/iFX64rcfI1

新的 Astroport 赏金活动已上线:
构建一个机器人来调用 Astroport 美元成本平均 (DCA) 智能合约!
赏金:6,000 axlUSDC
更多信息如下👇 https://t.co/iFX64rcfI1

发表时间:1年前 作者:Terra @terra_money详情