用户 DigiByte(@ DigiByteCoin) 的最新消息

RT: “Community” became one of the most used terms in crypto, but too often it’s a byword for pushing bad investments. We love real communities–but a pyramid scheme is not the same as a network effect." #Utility is the answer and #DigiByte has the community and rails to facilitate it. https://twitter.com/dannyrimer...


发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: Truely Decentralized, Max Scalability, Most secure, Real Fast, Easy Programmability, Community Driven, Powerful with reliability…🤔
@DigiByteCoin has everything in one roof!!! ✅️
Perfectly done!😉 https://t.co/H3O27qdFaH

@DigiByteCoin 一切尽在一处!!! ✅️
完美完成!😉 https://t.co/H3O27qdFaH

发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: DigiByte Blockchain p2p transaction speed, Mining blocks for block rewards & network security, digiassets, & DigiID $DGB #DGB #DigiByte #DigiBytes #DigiID #digiassets #Mining #Blockchain https://twitter.com/binanceus/...

RT:DigiByte Blockchain p2p 交易速度,挖掘块以获得块奖励

发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: GM $DGB #Digibyte Family. Take a moment and consider the importance of this announcement; Building a fully compliant organization to support a revolutionary public infrastructure network took a tremendous amount of effort and know-how. Congratulations Alliance frenz! https://twitter.com/DGBAllianc...

RT:通用汽车 $DGB

发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: @AltcoinDailyio @Fidelity Something Decentralized, Scalable, Secure, Fast, Programmable, Community Driven, Powerful…

RT:@AltcoinDailyio @Fidelity 去中心化的、可扩展的、安全的、快速的、可编程的、社区驱动的、强大的……

发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: Onboarded two new DigiByte Holders today! A coworker and a longtime friend! Exciting to have people still joining me after nearly 5 years of talk about DigiByte! I’ll never waiver!

RT:今天加入了两个新的 DigiByte 持有者!同事和老朋友!在谈论 DigiByte 近 5 年后,还有人加入我的行列,真是令人兴奋!我永远不会放弃!

发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: The green states reflect where we are fully registered as of today. Yes, New York is on there even though it is a little dot. The blue states represent where we are filed and waiting to hear except for need to provide info in Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, N. Carolina and Virginia. https://twitter.com/DGBAllianc... https://t.co/1sv6RqZfwI

RT:绿色状态反映了我们今天完全注册的位置。是的,纽约就在那里,尽管它只是一个小点。除了需要在阿肯色州、佛罗里达州、乔治亚州、北卡罗来纳州和弗吉尼亚州提供信息外,蓝色州代表我们在哪里提交并等待听取。 https://twitter.com/DGBAllianc... https://t.co/1sv6RqZfwI

发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: "Public trust is the most important currency for any nonprofit, and the foundation of that trust lies in complying with state laws." We are making sure that @DGBAlliance is fully legally compliant nationwide prior to soliciting any donations and are making great progress. #DGB https://twitter.com/DGBAllianc...

RT:“公众信任是任何非营利组织最重要的货币,这种信任的基础在于遵守州法律。”在征集任何捐款之前,我们正在确保@DGBAlliance 在全国范围内完全符合法律规定,并且正在取得巨大进展。

发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: We are grateful for the registration compliance guidance of @HarborComply and are happy to report that as of today we are complete in 30 states, filed and tracking in 15 and need to follow up with info in 5. #DigiByte https://www.harborcompliance.c...

RT:我们感谢@HarborComply 的注册合规指导,并很高兴地报告说,截至今天,我们已在 30 个州完成,在 15 个州进行归档和跟踪,需要跟进 5 个州的信息。

发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: You can now buy #DGB #DigiByte with @cryptocom target price orders 👏!
Just saying… 🫢! https://twitter.com/cryptocom/... https://t.co/hovUCZIHxA


发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: No amount of money spent on marketing in the #crypto space can take away the ability of people to read between the lines, see the truth and ascertain true motives. #Decentralized grass roots communities cannot be purchased with VC $$-supported yes, not bought. #DigiByte


发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: Loving the perpetual presence of the #DigiByte logo next to the #Bitcoin logo in the @Reuters news video feed re #crypto news. https://twitter.com/reuters/st...


发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: PSA the #DigiByte blockchain will never airdrop “tokens” and anyone claiming to do so is a scammer. #DGB is it’s own #blockchain not a token issued on top of another blockchain.


发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: I want to take a moment to thank Patrick and Larry for giving so generously of their time and talents to assist us on this journey. Building in this space is a whole lot more fun when working with like minded friends. #DigiByte https://twitter.com/dgballianc...


发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: I realize I never shared what we presented in DC:
1) The architecture of #DigiByte;
2) The mechanics and attributes of #DigiID;
3) The ability of #DigiID to be used as a credential authenticator through the combined use of #DigiID and its #assets layer. #technology #innovation https://twitter.com/michelle_d...

RT:我意识到我从未分享过我们在 DC 中展示的内容:
1) 架构

发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: @CrunchyCapital @DigiByteCoin @investvoyager @FTX_Official @DGBAlliance @DGB_Foundation Make sure you own your #DigiByte by holding your own keys! There are many self custodial wallets that support DigiByte! Cold storage on your hardware wallet is most secure!

RT:@CrunchyCapital @DigiByteCoin @investvoyager @FTX_Official @DGBAlliance @DGB_Foundation 确保你拥有你的

发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: Welcome Patrick Harris to the Advisory Board of the @DGBAlliance we look forward to your contributions as an advisor and member of the Educational Committee. #DigiByte https://t.co/Kr4sOoq6OG

RT:欢迎 Patrick Harris 加入@DGBAlliance 的顾问委员会,我们期待您作为顾问和教育委员会成员的贡献。

发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: Super excited for this initiative to be out there as @LTLovesdigi and her team of math wizards have been doing such great work behind the scenes to create educational materials geared towards math curriculums in secondary and higher institutions of learning. #DigiByte #blockchain https://twitter.com/dgballianc...

RT:对于这项计划的出现感到非常兴奋,因为@LTLovesdigi 和她的数学奇才团队一直在幕后做着如此出色的工作,以创建面向中学和高等教育机构的数学课程的教育材料。

发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: We are pleased to announce the creation of the DigiByte Alliance Education Committee and look forward to working with the community in our educational initiatives. We are also happy to welcome Patrick Harris as a member of our Advisory Board. https://medium.com/@DigiByteAl... #DigiByte

RT:我们很高兴宣布成立 DigiByte 联盟教育委员会,并期待在我们的教育计划中与社区合作。我们也很高兴欢迎 Patrick Harris 成为我们顾问委员会的成员。 https://medium.com/ @DigiByteAl...

发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情

RT: One of the slides from our #DigiID presentation. We got some positive feedback that day on how clearly our presentation conveyed how our technology works. #DigiByte #blockchain #innovation https://t.co/CKp0BvA0Bs


发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin详情