Tendies 的最新消息

RT: So Tendies just hit a major milestone 🚀 In less than 12 hours trading on #Uniswap it reached $1000000 in trading volume 🔥
Hop into this #Dogecoin killer and be part of crypto meme history 🤪

RT:所以 Tendies 刚刚达到了一个重要的里程碑🚀 在不到 12 小时的交易时间内

发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情

RT: @cz_binance Don`t tell me you don`t like this Dogecoin killer 🔥
$BNB $TEND $ETH $DeFi $DOGE #4chan #Binance #Dogecoin #Doge

RT:@cz_binance 不要告诉我你不喜欢这个狗狗币杀手🔥

发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情

RT: Congratulations to Tendies on a successful launch and to all of my followers who were able to get into presale round 2.
I tweeted about this #UniswapGem 10 days ago and now it is trading 9x on Uniswap: https://uniswap.info/pair/0xcf...
@TendiesCrypto $TEND $DeFi $ETH https://t.co/ofW36LI0s7

RT:祝贺 Tendies 成功发布,并祝贺我所有能够进入第二轮预售的追随者。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情

RT: Feelin` hot hot hot 🔥🔥🔥 Today is the day 🚀
Tendies presale round 2 begins in 2 hours. Presale will be done in a completely trustless manner.
Timer: https://tendies.dev/presale/
#UniswapGEM $ETH #DeFi $TEND $DeFi https://t.co/IyRYeaSTSS

Tendies 预售第 2 轮在 2 小时后开始。预售将以完全无需信任的方式进行。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情

To all of those who were patiently waiting to review and audit our smart contracts, we’re excited to announce that both TEND contract, as well as our Crowdsale smart contract are now live.
Come and check them out in our discord channel! #uniswap #pol #defi

对于所有耐心等待审查和审核我们的智能合约的人,我们很高兴地宣布 TEND 合约和我们的 Crowdsale 智能合约现已上线。
快来我们的 Discord 频道查看它们吧!

发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情

@CryptoHODLerGuy Round 2 whitelist registration is closed. Uniswap listing will take place tomorrow.

@CryptoHODLerGuy 第 2 轮白名单注册已关闭。 Uniswap 将于明天上市。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情

RT: 1/ Listen up - few days ago I wrote about Uniswap gem I really like 🥰 It is called Tendies 🔥
Today @TendiesCrypto presented a revolutionary way of listing tokens on Uniswap, where the ENTIRE raised amount goes to Uniswap, and liquidity is AUTOMATICALLY locked for all eternity

RT:1/ 听着 - 几天前我写了一篇关于 Uniswap gem 我真的很喜欢 🥰 它叫做 Tendies 🔥
今天@TendiesCrypto 提出了一种在 Uniswap 上列出代币的革命性方式,其中全部筹集的金额都进入 Uniswap,流动性会自动永久锁定

发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情

We’re excited to announce that our Round 2 presale will take place next Monday at 4PM GMT+2 . Join our discord channel for more info!
The exact hour may still change. #TEND #DeFi #Uniswap

我们很高兴地宣布,我们的第 2 轮预售将于下周一下午 4 点 GMT 2 举行。加入我们的不和谐频道以获取更多信息!

发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情

RT: There will be voting this weekend!
Make sure you have your BAL on a wallet you control (e.g. Metamask/ledger) at 16:00 UTC on Saturday July 18th to be able to vote on community proposals.
Links to each of the 3 proposals below:
👇👇👇 https://t.co/PheSh3Ag0T

确保您在 7 月 18 日星期六 16:00 UTC 将 BAL 放在您控制的钱包(例如 Metamask/ledger)上,以便能够对社区提案进行投票。
以下 3 个提案的链接:
👇👇👇 https://t.co/PheSh3Ag0T

发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情

We are excited to announce our #tokenomics and the details of our upcoming Round 2 Private sale and competitions. Check out our discord channel to find out more #defi #uniswap #TEND #TENDIES https://t.co/t1wA7Rjdnn


发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情

@LunarCRUSH Our favorite would be our upcoming #defi project that will be launching soon.

@LunarCRUSH 我们最喜欢的是我们即将到来的

发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情

RT: KNC and ZRX have been added to the Maker Protocol.
Both can now be used to generate #Dai.
Read more:
@KyberNetwork @0xProject

RT:KNC 和 ZRX 已添加到 Maker 协议中。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情

RT: If you want superior returns, find an inefficient and illiquid market, and work everyday to be one of the best investors in that market.


发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情

RT: If you haven't done it yet, visit https://gitcoin.co/grants, make a contribution to your favorite projects and help the whole ecosystem thrive! Small contributions go a long way!
Here's my personal list:
There are many other great projects but I had to set myself a limit. Sorry! https://t.co/rSHBY7vpcM

RT:如果你还没有做,请访问 https://gitcoin.co/grants,投稿到您最喜欢的项目,并帮助整个生态系统蓬勃发展!小贡献大有帮助!
还有许多其他伟大的项目,但我必须为自己设定一个限制。对不起! https://t.co/rSHBY7vpcM

发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情

RT: I will make a video eventually on how to farm the new $MTA governance token + $BAL thanks to @mstable_ but today, I’m keeping it simple with minting mUSD (stablecoin basket) and saving it to earn the native interest rate ~28% APY.
Be back in a bit! #DeFi https://twitter.com/mstable_/s... https://t.co/zneRRyDTTO

RT:感谢@mstable_,我最终将制作一个视频,介绍如何种植新的 $MTA 治理代币 $BAL,但今天,我通过铸造 mUSD(稳定币篮子)并将其保存以赚取本地利率来保持简单〜 28% 年利率。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情

RT: Check out @Cooopahtroopa's latest post for all the #DeFi farmers out there 👨‍🌾
Turns out @synthetix_io & @CurveFinance were ploughing the fields long before $COMP & $BAL came along.
Learn how to put your #crypto to work with this #yieldfarming 101 💸
👉 https://go.zerion.io/yield

RT:查看@Cooopahtroopa 的所有最新帖子

发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情

RT: We have integrated with @upvest API to choose #Ethereum gas prices more wisely

RT:我们已经集成了@upvest API 来选择

发表时间:3年前 作者:Tendies @TendiesCrypto详情