Harmony 的最新消息

RT: 🚀Game Space has officially announced support with @harmonyprotocol helping more Web2 games upgrade to #GameFi.
🎮Both parties will promote more AAA-level GameFi deployed on Harmony Chain using Game Space's SDK, and lead more gamers into #Web3
#GaaS #Web2toWeb3 https://t.co/OfNNLmBdJu

RT:🚀Game Space 已正式宣布支持 @harmonyprotocol 帮助更多 Web2 游戏升级到

发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: One of the most exciting developments in consensus protocols in 2022 has been the recent advances in DAG-based consensus. @a16zcrypto recently hosted three excellent research seminars on this topic, video links👇

RT:2022 年共识协议最令人兴奋的发展之一是基于 DAG 的共识的最新进展。 @a16zcrypto 最近主持了三场关于这个主题的优秀研究研讨会,视频链接👇

发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: Blur is a realtime marketplace and aggregator combined. It lets you to sweep and list across marketplaces, snipe reveals, and manage your portfolio faster than anywhere else.

RT:Blur 是一个结合了实时市场和聚合器的产品。它使您可以比其他任何地方更快地扫描和列出市场、狙击揭示和管理您的投资组合。

发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: An interesting note about "Invariant-based" alerts:
Interestingly, @rikardhjort from @rv_inc mentioned a similar use of continuous invariant testing as part of an alerting system in his talk "Formal method for the working DeFi dev"
Expect more 🤙

有趣的是,来自@rv_inc 的@rikardhjort 在他的演讲“工作中的 DeFi 开发人员的正式方法”中提到了类似使用连续不变测试作为警报系统的一部分

发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: Dear Tranqsters,
As part of the plan we announced last week, we will start buying back 1USDC from the ONE - 1USDC liquidity pool on Defira at a random time in the next 24h.
(1/4) 🧵 https://t.co/8hwnek6GF8

RT:亲爱的 Tranqsters,
作为我们上周宣布的计划的一部分,我们将在接下来的 24 小时内随机开始从 Defira 的 ONE - 1USDC 流动性池中回购 1USDC。
(1/4)🧵 https://t.co/8hwnek6GF8

发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: 6/ With Stardust, devs can access end-to-end solutions to build blockchain games, including:
- centralized developer dashboards
- APIs that make it easy to build on blockchain
- customizable marketplace tools
- secure vaults & wallets
- much more

RT:6/ 使用 Stardust,开发人员可以访问端到端解决方案来构建区块链游戏,包括:
- 集中的开发人员仪表板
- 使在区块链上构建变得容易的 API
- 可定制的市场工具
- 安全保险库

发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: If that doesn't knock your unisocks off, a team of hackers made a fork of Bedrock where the execution engine is swapped out with a Game Boy emulator—effectively building a Game Boy Rollup.

RT:如果这还不能让你的 unisocks 掉队,一组黑客制作了 Bedrock 的一个分支,其中执行引擎被替换为 Game Boy 模拟器——有效地构建了一个 Game Boy Rollup。

发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: Noir can be used today to build zk games much faster than was previously possible.
Implementations of simple games like Wordle, Battleships, and Mastermind can be done in an afternoon.

RT:今天可以使用 Noir 来比以前更快地构建 zk 游戏。
Wordle、Battleships 和 Mastermind 等简单游戏的实现可以在一个下午完成。

发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: The hype : adoption ratio for ZK's is way beyond even the sky high baseline in crypto.
Noir (a little like PlonK before it) is aimed at fixing the problem by 10x-ing the possible set of developers:

RT:炒作:ZK 的采用率甚至超过了加密领域的天价基线。
Noir(有点像之前的 PlonK)旨在通过将可能的开发人员集合提高 10 倍来解决问题:

发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: 2/ yet, i can count on the fingers on my hand the people that know:
1) what can be done today
2) what can be built next year
3) how to maximally utilize new affordances (autonomy, programmabiliy, client agnosticity) in order to build *new* products, not just skeuomorphic clones.

3) 如何最大限度地利用新的可供性(自主性、可编程性、客户不可知性)来构建*新*产品,而不仅仅是拟物克隆。

发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: 15 years ago my PhD advisor taught me One Weird Trick for editing your own writing. Edit **back to front**, paragraph by paragraph. I still use it and it still surprises me how well it works. When I get my students to do it, it often blows their minds. Try it!

RT:15 年前,我的博士生导师教我一个奇怪的技巧来编辑你自己的文章。逐段编辑**回到前面**。我仍然使用它,它仍然让我感到惊讶它的工作原理。当我让我的学生这样做时,他们常常大吃一惊。试试看!

发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: One trend in @EFDevcon is that ZK talks are taking over (more than 20%, many of them organized by @0xPARC ). If you miss some of the talks, don't worry. Our amazing @RuihanWondering summarized it here: https://docs.google.com/spread...

RT:@EFDevcon 的一个趋势是 ZK 会谈正在占据主导地位(超过 20%,其中许多是由 @0xPARC 组织的)。如果您错过了一些会谈,请不要担心。我们惊人的@RuihanWondering 在这里总结了它:https://docs.google .com/spread...

发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: ✨ Zordle: Wordle, but with ZK proofs for your shared grid!
Probably the first end-to-end webapp built using @ElectricCoinCo @zcash Halo 2!
Play it and ZK prove your success at https://zordle.xyz/
Notes on Halo 2 and PLONK circuit design at https://github.com/nalinbhardw... (README) https://t.co/WtYwG32Dok

RT:✨ Zordle:Wordle,但为您的共享网格提供 ZK 证明!
可能是第一个使用 @ElectricCoinCo @zcash Halo 2 构建的端到端 web 应用程序!
玩它,ZK 在 https://zordle.xyz/ 证明你的成功
https://github.com/nalinbhardw... 上有关 Halo 2 和 PLONK 电路设计的说明(自述文件) https://t.co/WtYwG32Dok

发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: 2. Composability (aka. UGC)
Players can freely build content and logic on top of the game client and engine (eg. 50+ plugins and community rounds @darkforest_eth).

RT:2. 可组合性(又名 UGC)
玩家可以在游戏客户端和引擎之上自由构建内容和逻辑(例如 50 个插件和社区回合@darkforest_eth)。

发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: ✨ Practical Guide to Finality ✨
- What is and what is not finality
- Flavors of finality (including rollup finality!)
- Why finality matters
Finally got the chance to publish it after being stuck in draft for a while 😝

- 什么是终局性,什么不是终局性
- 确定性的味道(包括汇总确定性!)
- 为什么确定性很重要

发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: Zero-knowledge proof systems from theory to practice -have been decades in the making, so for the first time in our canons series we have included a part two within: a reading list by topic & chronology, annotated with commentary ↓
https://a16zcrypto.com/zero-kn... https://t.co/U9P1A8gvZD


发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: 3/ AW Arcade: On Wednesday 4:00pm at the Devcon hacker basement, we’ll be showcasing two of our latest projects built with MUD: a fully on-chain 3D voxel world, and Sky Strife: a real-time strategy game. We will run a tournament with prizes.
more info: https://0xparc.notion.site/Aut... https://t.co/ycIA2Co9Wl

RT:3/ AW Arcade:周三下午 4:00 在 Devcon 黑客地下室,我们将展示我们使用 MUD 构建的两个最新项目:完全链上的 3D 体素世界和 Sky Strife:实时策略游戏。我们将举办有奖比赛。
更多信息:https://0xparc.notion.site/Aut... https://t.co/ycIA2Co9Wl

发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情

RT: 这才是
#DEVCON #ECNDevconExpress https://t.co/y7L1jaHNeA


发表时间:1年前 作者:stephen tse @stse详情