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35/ With Sense, users can access fixed rate versions of existing variable yield tokens or make directional long/short bets on the future yields of existing yield-bearing assets.
They’re big fans of ERC-4626 and have built Sense around the standard for rapid integration.

35/ 借助 Sense,用户可以访问现有可变收益率代币的固定利率版本,或对现有收益率资产的未来收益率进行定向多头/空头押注。
他们是 ERC-4626 的忠实拥护者,并且围绕快速集成标准构建了 Sense。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

32/ It separates the principal and interest components of a position by issuing two FNFTs; one containing the principal and the other containing the rights to future interest on that principal.

32/ 它通过发行两个 FNFT 将头寸的本金和利息部分分开;一个包含本金,另一个包含对该本金未来权益的权利。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

33/ Resonate facilitates the commerce of the rights to future interest by matching issuers and purchasers.
Resonate will be supporting lending pools with ERC-4626 adapters and offering lenders new ways to receive fixed-rate returns. Resonate will launch in Q3 2022.

33/ Resonate 通过匹配发行人和购买人来促进未来权益的交易。
Resonate 将通过 ERC-4626 适配器支持贷款池,并为贷方提供获得固定利率回报的新方法。 Resonate 将于 2022 年第三季度推出。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

31/ @RevestFinance
Resonate is a Yield Futures Protocol developed by Revest Finance and built on top of Revest’s Financial NFT (FNFT) technology.

Resonate 是由 Revest Finance 开发的收益率期货协议,建立在 Revest 的金融 NFT (FNFT) 技术之上。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

29/ @element_fi
Element is an open-source protocol for fixed and variable yield markets. It lets users earn predictable returns on investments thanks to fixed rates over a predetermined period of time.

Element 是用于固定和可变收益市场的开源协议。由于在预定时间段内的固定利率,它可以让用户获得可预测的投资回报。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

30/ In contrast to other protocols, they let the market forces dictate both fixed and variable rates.
They are currently developing ERC-4626 adapters for their V2 to enable new pools, and in parallel, they’re working with Aztec on integrating their ERC-4626 bridge.

30/ 与其他协议相比,它们让市场力量决定固定利率和可变利率。
他们目前正在为其 V2 开发 ERC-4626 适配器以启用新池,同时,他们正在与 Aztec 合作集成他们的 ERC-4626 网桥。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

28/ Alchemix is working on an ERC-4626 adapter for their contract so that they can use ERC-4626 vaults as new yield sources.

28/ Alchemix 正在为他们的合同开发 ERC-4626 适配器,以便他们可以使用 ERC-4626 保险库作为新的收益来源。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

26/ @AlchemixFi
Alchemix is an innovative, hybrid DeFi application that allows for the creation of yield-backed synthetic assets.

Alchemix 是一种创新的混合 DeFi 应用程序,允许创建以收益为基础的合成资产。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

27/ With its unique ability to provide collateral that can also generate yield, Alchemix can offer a self-paying loan that has effectively no risk of liquidation.

27/ 凭借其独特的提供抵押品的能力,Alchemix 可以提供实际上没有清算风险的自付贷款。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

25/ This bridge allows people to issue and redeem shares of any ERC4626 vault after the vault is listed in the contract, and also enables any protocol conforming to the ERC-4626 standard to be easily added to Aztec Connect.

Integrating with yield protocols on Aztec Connect is about to get a whole lot easier.
Prior to EIP-4626, each integration required its own bridge.
4626 is the One Bridge to Rule Them All.
Introducing the ERC-4626 bridge:

发表时间:1年前 作者:Aztec @aztecnetwork

25/ 这座桥允许人们在任何 ERC4626 保险库在合约中上市后发行和赎回股票,还可以让任何符合 ERC-4626 标准的协议轻松添加到 Aztec Connect。

与 Aztec Connect 上的产量协议集成将变得更加容易。
在 EIP-4626 之前,每个集成都需要自己的网桥。
介绍 ERC-4626 桥接器:

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

23/ Joey Santaro, the Co-Founder of Fei, is a co-author of EIP-4626. He built the repository that contains open-source ERC4626 infrastructure that can be used by solidity developers using EIP-4626 including ERC4626Router, and xERC4626.

23/ Fei 的联合创始人 Joey Santaro 是 EIP-4626 的合著者。他构建了包含开源 ERC4626 基础设施的存储库,可供使用 EIP-4626 的 Solidity 开发人员使用,包括 ERC4626Router 和 xERC4626。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

24/ @aztecnetwork
Aztec is a new and efficient technology bringing private transactions to Ethereum. They recently developed a native 4626 bridge for any ERC4626 compatible vault and the underlying assets.

Aztec 是一种将私人交易引入以太坊的新型高效技术。他们最近为任何 ERC4626 兼容的保险库和基础资产开发了原生 4626 桥接器。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

22/ With Rari Capital’s Fuse, an open lending and interest rate protocol, it deployed the Tribe Convex Pool, #156, utilizing ERC-4626 and other plug-ins to support Convex positions as collateral in Fuse.

22/ 借助 Rari Capital 的 Fuse(一种开放式贷款和利率协议),它部署了 Tribe Convex Pool,

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

21/ @feiprotocol
Fei Protocol helps other DAOs achieve deep liquidity in lending and exchange markets by deploying PCV and offering Liquidity-as-a-Service.

Fei 协议通过部署 PCV 和提供流动性即服务,帮助其他 DAO 在借贷和交易市场实现深度流动性。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

19/ @getsomm_
Sommelier is a DeFi protocol built on the Cosmos SDK with a bi-directional Ethereum bridge. This collection serves as a co-processor to Ethereum by leveraging the cosmos chain to process strategies on Ethereum.

Sommelier 是一个基于 Cosmos SDK 的 DeFi 协议,带有双向以太坊桥。该集合通过利用 cosmos 链来处理以太坊上的策略,充当以太坊的协处理器。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

20/ The team built a dynamic ERC-4626 vault that adapts lending strategies to always get the best yield for stablecoins on Aave.

20/ 该团队构建了一个动态的 ERC-4626 保险库,该保险库可以调整借贷策略,以始终在 Aave 上获得稳定币的最佳收益。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

16/ With ERC-4626, you can create a linear pool from any ERC-4626-compatible wrapped token, which then can be subsequently used to create a Phantom Stable pool and Boosted Pool in combination with any lending platform like Aave.

16/ 使用 ERC-4626,您可以从任何与 ERC-4626 兼容的包装代币创建一个线性池,然后可以将其用于与任何借贷平台(如 Aave)结合创建一个 Phantom Stable 池和 Boosted Pool。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

17/ @AuraFinance
Aura Finance is a protocol built on top of Balancer to provide maximum incentives to Balancer liquidity providers and BAL token holders through social aggregation of BAL deposits and Aura’s native token.

Aura Finance 是一个建立在 Balancer 之上的协议,通过 BAL 存款和 Aura 原生代币的社会聚合,为 Balancer 流动性提供者和 BAL 代币持有者提供最大的激励。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

15/ Balancer uses ERC-4626 on their Linear pools, the base component of Boosted Pools to facilitate trades between two tokens at a known exchange rate with linear math.

15/ Balancer 在其线性池中使用 ERC-4626,这是 Boosted Pools 的基本组件,以通过线性数学以已知汇率促进两个代币之间的交易。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情