Meta 的最新消息

RT: Anyone that uses a Safe multi-sig will tell you having apps available on @safe makes life so much easier.
Protecting the productive assets in your multi-sig is now just a click away 🛡️
Happy to see the Nexus Mutual dApp listed right between @mstable_ and @oasisdotapp 😎

RT:任何使用 Safe 多重签名的人都会告诉你,在 @safe 上拥有可用的应用程序让生活变得如此轻松。
很高兴看到在 @mstable_ 和 @oasisdotapp 之间列出的 Nexus Mutual dApp 😎 ...

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

mStable is proudly sponsoring @ETHLisbon Hackhaton happening in just about a month

Thank you @mstable_ for being part of this crazy endeavor!
Looking forward to gather the team in Lisbon! 👋🇵🇹

发表时间:1年前 作者:ETHLisbon 🇵🇹 @ETHLisbon

mStable 自豪地赞助了大约一个月内发生的@ETHLisbon Hackhaton .

感谢@mstable_ 参与这项疯狂的努力!
期待团队齐聚里斯本! 👋🇵🇹

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

RT: Thank you @mstable_ for being part of this crazy endeavor!
Looking forward to gather the team in Lisbon! 👋🇵🇹

RT:感谢@mstable_ 参与这项疯狂的努力!
期待团队齐聚里斯本! 👋🇵🇹

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

10/ A strong, scalable, and resilient foundation on the DAO setup was needed such that mStable can continue shipping new products, be more adaptive and responsive to market conditions, align stakeholder interests, and ensure accountability on every part of the DAO.

10/ 需要在 DAO 设置上建立一个强大、可扩展和有弹性的基础,以便 mStable 可以继续发布新产品,对市场条件更具适应性和响应能力,协调利益相关者的利益,并确保 DAO 的每个部分都承担责任。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

9/ Signers on the subDAO multi-sigs are independently elected by the subDAO, and no further governance action is required, except for the protocolDAO multi-sig where 2 of the 6 seats were not up for a vote, but mandated to be occupied by the builder subDAO for their expertise.

9/ subDAO 多重签名上的签名者由 subDAO 独立选举产生,不需要进一步的治理行动,除了协议 DAO 多重签名,其中 6 个席位中的 2 个未投票,但被授权由建设者 subDAO 的专业知识。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

7/ The newly established ecosystem subDAO will sunset the grants program and replace it with a dedicated Dework Bounty Board managed by 2 of our community members which will provide greater control over deliverables, goals, and any associated compensation.

7/ 新建立的生态系统 subDAO 将终止赠款计划,取而代之的是由我们的 2 名社区成员管理的专门的 Dework 赏金委员会,这将更好地控制可交付成果、目标和任何相关补偿。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

8/ We have completed our signer rotations and elections — a new set of signers for both the ProtocolDAO and the TreasuryDAO have made their way into the multi-sig.

8/ 我们已经完成了签名者轮换和选举——ProtocolDAO 和 TreasuryDAO 的一组新签名者已经进入多重签名。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

6/ The Builder subDAO is accountable to the TreasuryDAO for shipping products and delivering on agreed KPIs and goals.

6/ Builder subDAO 对TreasuryDAO 负责运送产品和交付商定的KPI 和目标。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

5/ The ProtocolDAO remains largely similar, and its role in the ecosystem is to ensure that the core contracts are funded, the proposals that get voted in via Meta Governance make it on-chain, and that the smart contracts are executed using with a diverse multi-sig structure.

5/ ProtocolDAO 在很大程度上保持相似,它在生态系统中的作用是确保核心合约得到资助,通过元治理投票的提案使其上链,并确保智能合约以多样化的方式执行多重签名结构。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

3/ This will ensure that governors are incentivised to make the best decisions for the protocol while avoiding unnecessary overheads that was inherited with the old signer structure, driving accountability in a more structured manner.

3/ 这将确保激励管理者为协议做出最佳决策,同时避免旧签名者结构继承的不必要的开销,以更有条理的方式推动问责制。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

4/ The TreasuryDAO has absorbed the Asset Management subDAO & Funding subDAO.
Treasury Management will now be backed by a Charter on top of the discretionary spending limit for more transparency.

4/TreasuryDAO 吸收了 Asset Management subDAO

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

2/ To align the interests of the protocol and governance bodies, we introduced a more active signer group with active compensation to participate more in the ecosystem.

2/ 为了使协议和治理机构的利益保持一致,我们引入了一个更活跃的签名者群体,并提供积极的补偿,以更多地参与生态系统。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

The mStableDAO completes its restructuring process to strengthen the foundation for exponential growth with mStable V2.

mStableDAO 完成了重组过程,以通过 mStable V2 加强指数增长的基础。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

1/ The following entities and associated signer groups were established:
• TreasuryDAO (4/6 signers)
• ProtocolDAO (4/6 signers)
• Builder subDAO (2/3 signers)
• Ecosystem subDAO (2/3 signers)

1/ 建立了以下实体和相关的签名者组:
• TreasuryDAO(4/6 签名者)
• ProtocolDAO(4/6 签名者)
• 生成器 subDAO(2/3 签名者)
• 生态系统 subDAO(2/3 签名者)

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

As always, do check out the Discord for the latest updates! Special thanks to @mZero2nine and @camsoulsby for compiling these updates. Join us for our upcoming community call for an early look on what we're building 👀

与往常一样,请查看 Discord 以获取最新更新!特别感谢 @mZero2nine 和 @camsoulsby 编译这些更新。加入我们即将到来的社区呼吁,尽早了解我们正在构建的内容👀

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情

Our monthly call will happen on the 4th of October at 3:30PM UTC where we’ll discuss everything mStable Governance, DAOs, as well as give an outlook on what we’ve been working towards.
RSVP on Discord.

我们的月度电话会议将于 10 月 4 日下午 3:30 UTC 举行,届时我们将讨论所有 mStable 治理、DAO,并展望我们一直在努力的方向。
在 Discord 上回复。

发表时间:1年前 作者:mStable 🧮 @mstable_详情