AKRO 的最新消息

The website is up and running! 💻
Thank you for you patience during the downtime - we appreciate it a lot ❤️

该网站已启动并运行! 💻
感谢您在停机期间的耐心等待 - 我们非常感谢您❤️

发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

We’re still working on resolving the issue with domain provider - it’s taking longer than expected due to slow support from their side.
If it remains unsolved - we will spin up a new domain.
P.S. All funds are safe, you can access contracts via etherscan. https://twitter.com/akropolisi...

📣 PSA 📣
We are aware about the issues with the website and working on resolving them as soon as possible.
All funds are safe, you can access contracts with etherscan in the meantime.
Thanks for the patience! 🙌

发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio

我们仍在努力解决与域名提供商的问题 - 由于他们方面的支持缓慢,它花费的时间比预期的要长。
如果它仍未解决 - 我们将启动一个新域。
附言所有资金都是安全的,您可以通过 etherscan 访问合约。 https://twitter.com/akropolisi...

📣 PSA 📣
所有资金都是安全的,您可以同时使用 etherscan 访问合约。
谢谢你的耐心! 🙌

发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

📣 PSA 📣
We are aware about the issues with the website and working on resolving them as soon as possible.
All funds are safe, you can access contracts with etherscan in the meantime.
Thanks for the patience! 🙌

📣 PSA 📣
所有资金都是安全的,您可以同时使用 etherscan 访问合约。
谢谢你的耐心! 🙌

发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

📰Akropolis August Monthly Roundup
Learn about the development at Akropolis this month in five minutes: https://akropolis.substack.com...
Subscribe to get it delivered to your inbox every month!🔔

📰阿克罗波利斯 8 月月度综述
在五分钟内了解本月 Akropolis 的开发:https:// /akropolis.substack.com...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

Yearn Vaults at a glance 👀
The capital pools automate the yield generation and rebalancing process and shift capital as opportunities arise automatically.
Which vault are you earning passive yields from in #Akropolis dApp?
@iearnfinance #DeFi https://t.co/f2TcRCC18d


发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

(4/5) LP: Liquidity Pool
A liquidity pool is a crowdsourced pool of cryptocurrencies or tokens locked in a smart contract that is used to facilitate trades between the assets on a decentralised exchange (DEX).

(4/5) LP:流动资金池

发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

(5/5) Bridging
Bridges allow DeFi users to access yield and trading opportunities on different chains. Bridges have pros and cons regarding safety, custody, speed, and cost.
Do you believe that the future will be multi-chain?

(5/5) 桥接
桥梁允许 DeFi 用户访问不同链上的收益和交易机会。桥梁在安全、保管、速度和成本方面各有利弊。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

(2/5) IL: Impermanent Loss
An impermanent loss is when a liquidity provider has a temporary loss of funds because of volatility in a trading pair. This results in an unbalanced market and significantly lesser gain if you compare it to just holding your assets.

(2/5) IL:无常损失

发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

(3/5) APY & APR:
👉 APR: Annual Percentage Rate
👉 APY: Annual Percentage Yield
While APR tells you the interest rate over a period of time, APY includes the compounded interest into the formula.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

🧵(1/5) Five terminologies or acronyms representing important concepts around DeFi👇
- dApp: Decentralised Application
A dApp is like a digital app found on our smart devices but it is built on a decentralised network without the control of a single authority.

🧵(1/5) 代表 DeFi 重要概念的五个术语或首字母缩略词👇
- dApp:去中心化应用
dApp 就像在我们的智能设备上发现的数字应用程序,但它建立在分散的网络上,不受单一机构的控制。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

(2/2) $AKRO stakers send their tokens to this pool to a more passive yield. There is no lock-up. Token withdrawal can be made at any time!
Learn how: https://akropolis.gitbook.io/a...

(2/2) $AKRO 质押者将他们的代币发送到这个池中以获得更被动的收益。没有锁定。代币提现可随时进行!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

🧵 (1/2) What is a staking pool?
A staking pool is a simple tool that allows multiple crypto-asset holders to combine their resources to increase their overall staking power, which increases their chances of earning rewards.

🧵 (1/2) 什么是质押池?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

🧐 This is an excellent article from @BTCTN on what The Merge is and what happens when it takes place.👇 https://twitter.com/BTCTN/stat...

While the change may not mean much to #ethereum users and traders, what’s changing under the hood is a very big deal. https://zpr.io/uF6WHdqkbTqE

发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin News @BTCTN

🧐 这是一篇来自@BTCTN 的优秀文章,介绍了合并是什么以及合并发生时会发生什么。👇 https: //twitter.com/BTCTN/stat...


发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

#DeFi is a fundamental shift in the ways people interact with finance and extends to anyone in the world who wants to jump on the bandwagon.
What are you doing with #DeFi?

#DeFi is a fundamental shift in the ways people interact with finance and extends to anyone in the world who wants to jump on the bandwagon.
What are you doing with #DeFi?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

Stake your $AKRO to earn rewards at 12.93% APR (at the time of writing)!
AKRO rewards are vested over 1 year after accrual with bi-weekly distributions/claims, and they are not auto-compounded.
What is vesting? Learn more 👇https://www.akropolis.io/vesti...

质押您的 $AKRO 以赚取 12.93% 的年利率(在撰写本文时)!
AKRO 奖励在应计后的 1 年内通过双周分配/索赔授予,并且不会自动复利。
什么是归属?了解更多 👇https://www.akropolis.io/vesti...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

The top 3 yield vaults in #Akropolis dApp👇
Learn more about using Akropolis and the recent Yearn integration upgrade: https://akropolis.gitbook.io/a... https://t.co/BNJDNGi9Vh

排名前 3 位的收益金库

发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

Happy to hear from our community as the team keeps BUIDLing 💪 Thank you for your support.
Join our community! Talk to other users, ask questions, or give feedback.
💬Telegram: https://t.me/akropolis_officia...
💬Discord: https://discord.gg/YRhbfMTrZv
💬Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Akrop... https://t.co/p3dUMvoxAi

很高兴收到我们社区的来信,因为团队一直在 BUIDLing 💪 感谢您的支持。
💬Reddit:https://www.reddit.com/r/Akrop... https ://t.co/p3dUMvoxAi

发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情

@leapingtopluto @iearnfinance Nope only ETH atm.

@leapingtopluto @iearnfinance 不,只有 ETH atm。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Akropolis @akropolisio详情