Electra 的最新消息

RT: Congrats to $ECA for winning our voting round!
#ELECTRA is available in our dashboard and our #exchange now!
➡️ https://stakecube.net/app/exch... https://t.co/HflIfFLOgz

RT:恭喜 $ECA 赢得我们的投票!

发表时间:2年前 作者:Electra Coin @ElectracoinECA详情

@SHartmail they are still on that address, but Ellipal has stopped support for Electra - you might look for user support on the Electra Telegram and Discord channels

@SHartmail 他们仍在那个地址上,但 Ellipal 已停止支持 Electra - 您可能会在 Electra Telegram 和 Discord 频道上寻求用户支持

发表时间:2年前 作者:Electra Coin @ElectracoinECA详情

Electra was among the winners of the listing voting on Stakecube exchange - listing is expected soon...
Please stay tuned..

Electra 是 Stakecube 交易所上市投票的获胜者之一 - 预计很快就会上市......

发表时间:2年前 作者:Electra Coin @ElectracoinECA详情

Coming soon - new Electra-website - please stay tuned

即将推出 - 新的 Electra 网站 - 请继续关注

发表时间:3年前 作者:Electra Coin @ElectracoinECA详情

Electra tries to get listed on https://stakecube.net/ Exchange - vote is ongoing - so if you have an account, please vote for Electra

Electra 试图在 https://stakecube.net/ 交易所上市 - 投票正在进行中 - 所以如果你有一个帐户,请投票给伊莱克特拉

发表时间:3年前 作者:Electra Coin @ElectracoinECA详情

Electra - fallen in to the abyss - might rise again like a phenix

Electra - 坠入深渊 - 可能会像凤凰一样再次崛起

发表时间:3年前 作者:Electra Coin @ElectracoinECA详情