UNO 的最新消息

@Dr_CSWright @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats I don't actually have a backyard, Craig.
Nobody is waiting for you there.

@Dr_CSWright @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats 我实际上没有后院,克雷格。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Dr_CSWright @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats I have created and monetized more cryptocurrency networks than anyone else on the planet.
There is no bigger litigant you could possibly find.
If you want to commit career suicide in a US court of law I am humbly at your service.

@Dr_CSWright @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats 我创建的加密货币网络比地球上其他任何人都多。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright Everyone knows CSW is a liar and a thief. He doesn't want to know who I am, however.
That's what is going to make this so much fun.

@SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright 每个人都知道 CSW 是骗子和小偷。然而,他不想知道我是谁。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@BSVweb3 @Dr_CSWright I have never spoken with this douchebag except for delightful, engaging exchanges on this hellsite.

@BSVweb3 @Dr_CSWright 除了在这个地狱网站上进行令人愉快、引人入胜的交流外,我从未与这个混蛋交谈过。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@KanoTheTruth @SvVoyo @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright Either CSW sues me or he just shuts the fuck up forever.
It don't take more than once or twice.

@KanoTheTruth @SvVoyo @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright 要么 CSW 起诉我,要么他永远闭嘴。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright Who are you that anyone should care?
Other than that you have no idea what putting a hole in a baseball bat does for the bat.
Go touch some grass.

@SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright 你是谁,谁应该关心?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright I live in the United States.
I don't live in some fascist monarchy.
If he wants a piece of me, he has to come into my backyard and all my homies are here and we got baseball bats.

@SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright 我住在美国。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright Who?

@SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright 谁?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright I am unfuckwithable.

@SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright 我无法接受。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright I got 99 problems and CSW could never be one.
If he wants me to invalidate his US patents based on prior art I and my attorney are more than happy to do so.

@SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright 我有 99 个问题,而 CSW 永远不可能是一个。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright I am the Tyrion Lannister of crypto.
I make blockchains and I know things…
…and I survived.

@SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright 我是加密领域的提利昂兰尼斯特。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

Today, Monday, the 17th day of October, 2022AD the myth of Craig S. Wright was pronounced officially dead on arrival.

今天,星期一,即公元 2022 年 10 月的第 17 天,Craig S. Wright 的神话在抵达时被正式宣布死亡。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@cyber_grinder @Vizique @Arthur_van_Pelt Everyone in this industry is a clown. It’s fucking circus.

@cyber_grinder @Vizique @Arthur_van_Pelt 这个行业的每个人都是小丑。这是他妈的马戏团。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

RT: @Arthur_van_Pelt well thats a turn up for the books!
didnt have @BryceWeiner on my bingo card!!

RT:@Arthur_van_Pelt 好吧,这就是书籍的出现!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@FuturealSam @OsinskiLaw I have 27k+ followers and Faketoshi has 11k+ followers.
By your logic I am Satoshi Nakamoto.

@FuturealSam @OsinskiLaw 我有 27k 粉丝,Faketoshi 有 11k 粉丝。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@FuturealSam @OsinskiLaw He's my lawyer and my friend and he's more than qualified to dunk this and that's all that matters.

@FuturealSam @OsinskiLaw 他是我的律师和朋友,他完全有资格扣篮,这才是最重要的。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@StianSward It depends. He said "block one" so that could be either the first block (technically block #0) or the actual block #1.
That's why I didn't bother to argue it.

@StianSward 这取决于。他说“block one”,所以这可能是第一个块(技术上的块

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@ezCoinAccess @Dr_CSWright @CalvinAyre @brockton @aspirecrypto @lopp @jim A vexatious litigant threatening to be vexatious.

@ezCoinAccess @Dr_CSWright @CalvinAyre @brockton @aspirecrypto @lopp @jim 一个无理取闹的诉讼当事人威胁要无理取闹。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@mad_bitcoin @CRYPTOCRAIG9 @Streaming_Sats It's a cult.

@mad_bitcoin @CRYPTOCRAIG9 @Streaming_Sats 这是一种邪教。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@CalvinAyre @Streaming_Sats You wouldn't happen to be laundering money through a bunch of BSV related shell companies, would you?
Asking for a friend.

@CalvinAyre @Streaming_Sats 你不会碰巧通过一堆与 BSV 相关的空壳公司洗钱吧?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情