CPS 的最新消息

There are always gainers and losers. The last 7 days we were definitely gainers. #Capricoin made it to rank 7 on the #CoinMarketCup! 🙌 https://t.co/KWZcxWXXCR

总有赢家和输家。在过去的 7 天里,我们绝对是赢家。

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Well, at least it looks like that 🤷‍#Capricoin has hit
0.70 € on some markets. Can’t wait to see where it will go! 👀
Buy your CPC on https://huulk.com/ https://t.co/haP3jQR8cn


发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Great news 🔥🔥🔥 During the last few days you may have noticed that the CPC price has risen. Now is worth more than 0,47 EURO. Get your own Capricoin here 👉 https://huulk.com/
Source: https://www.worldcoinindex.com... https://t.co/240jIS9KWQ

好消息🔥🔥🔥 在过去的几天里,您可能已经注意到 CPC 价格上涨了。现在价值超过 0,47 欧元。在这里获取你自己的 Capricoin 👉 https://huulk.com/
来源:https://www.worldcoinindex.com... https://t.co /240jIS9KWQ

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Brace yourself, the spend is equal.🙈 Fortunately, #Capricoin creates a new block thanks to POS protocol, which is more gentle to our planet Earth. 🌎 #POSprotocol https://t.co/vAzZqJ5nOV


发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

How far can you travel with Capricoin? 🤔 The answer is - to Bangkok. The city of breath-taking architecture, tasty food and relaxing massages. On top of that, with CPC you can save money, too. Just book your hotel and enjoy your holiday👉 https://capricoin.org/wallet https://t.co/TWaU56hJZv

Capricoin可以走多远? 🤔 答案是——去曼谷。这座城市令人叹为观止的建筑、美味的食物和令人放松的按摩。最重要的是,使用 CPC,您也可以省钱。只需预订酒店并享受假期👉 https://capricoin.org/wallet https://t.co /TWaU56hJZv

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

The times when credit cards looked like sci-fi are just a good laugh today. 🤣 Well, you can´t stop progress. Check out where you can use our CapriCoin and join the crypto world before it will be too mainstream. 👉 https://capricoin.org/usabilit... https://t.co/VH3gCwxVJi

信用卡看起来像科幻小说的时代今天只是一个好笑。 🤣 好吧,你不能停止进步。看看你可以在哪里使用我们的 CapriCoin 并在它变得过于主流之前加入加密世界。 👉 https://capricoin.org/usabilit... https://t.co/VH3gCwxVJi

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

It's hard to stay focused on CapriCoin's next steps with this view, but we don´t give up. 💪 Stay tuned, because we have improved the CPC roadmap and there are many new things to be published soon. 🤭 https://t.co/scAAaSB8Ok

以这种观点很难继续关注 CapriCoin 的下一步,但我们不会放弃。 💪 请继续关注,因为我们改进了 CPC 路线图,并且有许多新内容即将发布。 🤭 https://t.co/scAAaSB8Ok

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Safety first! 💁‍♂ We take these words very seriously that's why we have improved our CPC blockchain security. All our recent updates you will find on our blog 👉 https://capricoin.org/blog/maj... https://t.co/FYIC6jBfCj

安全第一! 💁‍♂ 我们非常重视这些话,这就是我们提高 CPC 区块链安全性的原因。您可以在我们的博客上找到我们最近的所有更新👉 https://capricoin.org/blog/少校... https://t.co/FYIC6jBfCj

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Roman Neczli and Ladislav Pasztor met with other members of the CPC Innovation Team in Dubai and decided about the next steps regarding CapriCoin´s future! The sunny weather was just welcome addition ☀☀☀ https://t.co/X72IB7O8r6

Roman Neczli 和 Ladislav Pasztor 在迪拜会见了 CPC 创新团队的其他成员,并决定了 CapriCoin 未来的下一步!阳光明媚的天气很受欢迎 ☀☀☀ https://t.co/X72IB7O8r6

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Fast and anonymous - even though it doesn´t work for relationship, it does work for cryptocurrency. 🤭 With CapriCon you can send money really fast and with lower transaction fees than ever before.
More info on our blog 👉 https://capricoin.org/blog/maj... https://t.co/FdLpdj2kx2

快速且匿名 - 即使它不适用于关系,它也适用于加密货币。 🤭 使用 CapriCon,您可以非常快速地汇款,而且交易费用比以往任何时候都低。
有关我们博客的更多信息👉 https://capricoin.org/blog/maj...< /a> https://t.co/FdLpdj2kx2

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

You can't stop progress, can you? 💁 Over the last couple of months, CapriCoin has developed the CPC validator, the CPC Vault and improved its blockchain security. On top of that, CPC has been listed on new exchanges, too.
👉 https://www.capricoin.org/blog... https://t.co/MdjnwWKXSj

你不能阻止进步,对吗? 💁 在过去的几个月里,CapriCoin 开发了 CPC 验证器 CPC Vault 并提高了其区块链安全性。最重要的是,CPC 也已在新交易所上市。
👉 https://www.capricoin.org/blog... https://t.co/MdjnwWKXSj

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Constantly working on updates! This is the best part of our work. Here is a picture to prove it. One of our developers in his natural habitat determined to make Capricoin more stable, reliable and safer. 💪💪💪 Find out more on https://www.capricoin.org/blog... https://t.co/IkeMAUz8pX

不断努力更新!这是我们工作中最好的部分。这是一张图片来证明这一点。我们的一位开发人员在他的自然栖息地决心让 Capricoin 更稳定、可靠和安全。 💪💪💪 在 https://www.capricoin.org/blog 了解更多信息。 .. https://t.co/IkeMAUz8pX

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Would you have you ever thought that even cryptocurrency can be eco-friendly? 🌍 Capricoin is based on the POS protocol. To create a new blockchain doesn´t require as much energy as mining. You can find more info about how CPC works in our new blog 👉 https://capricoin.org/blog/a-n... https://t.co/06BTV7FR7T

你有没有想过即使是加密货币也可以是环保的? 🌍 Capricoin 基于 POS 协议。创建一个新的区块链不需要像采矿那样多的能量。您可以在我们的新博客中找到有关 CPC 工作原理的更多信息👉 https://capricoin .org/blog/a-n... https://t.co/06BTV7FR7T

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

@Cryptovizion Hello, sorry to hear this. On FB we havn´t notice any message from you. Please, try to connact our support via email [email protected] where you will find CPC specialists.

@Cryptovizion 你好,很抱歉听到这个消息。在 FB 上,我们没有注意到您的任何消息。请尝试通过电子邮件 [email protected] 联系我们的支持,您可以在其中找到 CPC 专家。

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Today it´s a birthday of CPC Head of Innovation Team. Happy birthday, Ladislav. 🎉🎉🎉 On behalf of our Capricoin team, we wish you many creative ideas, good decisions and a positive spirit. We hope this year will be ground-breaking. 🙌 https://t.co/ZBTNRjRfmA

今天是中共创新组组长的生日。生日快乐,拉迪斯拉夫。 🎉🎉🎉 代表我们的 Capricoin 团队,我们希望您有很多创意、正确的决定和积极的精神。我们希望今年将是开创性的。 🙌 https://t.co/ZBTNRjRfmA

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Paying for your holiday should always be fast, efficient, reliable and the best deal, do you agree? 💁 The Capricoin Travel app meets all these requirements. It takes only a few steps and you can start looking forward to your well-deserved vacation.
👉https://capricoin.org/wallet https://t.co/6DiC0mX5pT

为您的假期付款应该始终是快速、高效、可靠和最划算的,您同意吗? 💁 Capricoin Travel 应用程序满足所有这些要求。只需几个步骤,您就可以开始期待您当之无愧的假期。
👉https://capricoin.org/wallet https://t.co/6DiC0mX5pT

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

There are just a few cities which combine traditional culture, thrilling architecture, tasty cuisine and stunning nature with ease. Kuala Lumpur must be on your bucket list. Book your hotel with Capricoin and save money. Find out more on https://capricoin.org/wallet https://t.co/u3Q6Wm2CNA

只有少数几个城市可以轻松地结合传统文化、激动人心的建筑、美味佳肴和迷人的自然风光。吉隆坡一定在你的遗愿清单上。使用 Capricoin 预订您的酒店并省钱。了解更多关于 https://capricoin.org/wallet https://t.co/u3Q6Wm2CNA

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Start your holiday season now! 🏖 At this time of the year, Dubai looks astonishing. Ideal for heat lovers as well as hunters of the world's biggest and highest monuments. Book your hotel for a better price with CPC and enjoy your holiday.👉 https://capricoin.org/wallet https://t.co/ChSTiZ1tqP

现在就开始你的假期吧! 🏖 每年的这个时候,迪拜看起来令人惊叹。非常适合酷热爱好者以及世界上最大和最高古迹的猎人。通过 CPC 以更优惠的价格预订您的酒店,享受您的假期。👉 https://capricoin.org/wallet https ://t.co/ChSTiZ1tqP

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Has your travel spirit woken up? 🙌 Don´t wait till the holiday season and book your trip now. Capricoin travel offers you three incredible accommodation options in Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and Dubai. Which one will be your next stop? 🤔 https://capricoin.org/wallet https://t.co/ZZzTWYBUMB

你的旅行精神觉醒了吗? 🙌 不要等到假期,现在就预订您的旅行。 Capricoin travel 在曼谷、吉隆坡和迪拜为您提供三个令人难以置信的住宿选择。哪一个会是你的下一站? 🤔 https://capricoin.org/wallet https://t.co/ZZzTWYBUMB

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Safer and stronger - that was one of our New Year´s resolutions. 💪 For 2019, we not only improved our blockchain security, but we have also introduced a brand new Capricoin TWO-FACTOR validator. https://t.co/0bsSGAzDjX

更安全、更强大——这是我们新年的决心之一。 💪 2019 年,我们不仅提高了区块链安全性,还引入了全新的 Capricoin TWO-FACTOR 验证器。 https://t.co/0bsSGAzDjX

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情