CPS 的最新消息

Do you see any point in paying huge fees for money transfers? Because we don't. 🤷‍ With CPC you send money to anyone anywhere for a minimal fee. More info on https://capricoin.org/usabilit... https://t.co/42OsZul802

您认为为汇款支付巨额费用有什么意义吗?因为我们没有。 🤷‍ 使用 CPC,您可以以最低的费用向任何地方的任何人汇款。有关 https://capricoin.org/usabilit... 的更多信息 https://t.co/42OsZul802

发表时间:4年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Yes, you were right! You probably love to hear this sentence, too. ☺Become a CPC Validator and have the great feeling of being right after each validated block.
More info on https://capricoin.org/ https://t.co/23pNwLzrLz

是的,你是对的!你可能也喜欢听到这句话。 ☺ 成为 CPC 验证者,并在每个经过验证的区块之后都有一种很好的感觉。
更多信息 https://capricoin.org/ https://t.co/23pNwLzrLz

发表时间:4年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

The cryptoworld is on the move, again! Even though, there are some ups and downs on the exchanges, the perspective looks quite promising. Do you follow crypto trends? Is this the right time to invest? 🧐
Don't miss our latest blog 👉 https://capricoin.org/blog/the... https://t.co/BoZX80taPw

加密世界又在移动!尽管交易所有一些起伏,但前景看起来还是很有希望的。你关注加密货币趋势吗?现在是投资的好时机吗? 🧐
不要错过我们最新的博客👉 https://capricoin.org/blog/the ... https://t.co/BoZX80taPw

发表时间:4年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

You know it means when BTC is rising. Public demand for cryptocurrency! 😱😱😱 Investing into alt coins is one of the best decisions. Find out why on our new blog 👉 https://capricoin.org/blog/the... https://t.co/FqpYWaW929

你知道这意味着当 BTC 上涨时。公众对加密货币的需求! 😱😱😱 投资山寨币是最好的决定之一。在我们的新博客上找出原因👉 https://capricoin.org/blog/the ... https://t.co/FqpYWaW929

发表时间:4年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

After CPC Validator, we are happy to welcome TREZOR in our little CPC family. Get your own Trezor. 🙆‍♀️ Find out more on https://capricoin.org/ https://t.co/z3SemZypc4

在 CPC Validator 之后,我们很高兴欢迎 TREZOR 加入我们的 CPC 小家庭。获得你自己的 Trezor。 🙆‍♀️ 了解更多关于 https://capricoin.org/ https://t.co/z3SemZypc4

发表时间:4年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

You might know how to cook a lobster, what's the purpose of a mitochondrion or remember all important football matches. 🤯 But do you know how to buy Capricoin on Huulk? 🤔💁‍https://capricoin.org/blog/how... https://t.co/Rz4KFS17Vv

您可能知道如何烹制龙虾、线粒体的用途是什么,或者记住所有重要的足球比赛。 🤯 但是你知道如何在 Huulk 上购买 Capricoin 吗? 🤔💁‍https://capricoin.org/blog/how. .. https://t.co/Rz4KFS17Vv

发表时间:4年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Are you one of those who keep forgetting the most important passwords? 😢 If so, we have an invention that has been made for you! Trezor stores all your digital assets in one place. 🙆‍ https://capricoin.org/ https://t.co/ldBxCNGsNm

您是经常忘记最重要密码的人之一吗? 😢 如果是这样,我们有一项为您制作的发明! Trezor 将您的所有数字资产存储在一个地方。 🙆‍ https://capricoin.org/ https://t.co/ldBxCNGsNm

发表时间:4年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Accomplishing two or more things at the same time is just so satisfying! 💆 Become a Capricoin validator and you can earn money by controlling new blocks besides your usual daily activities. 💰👉 https://capricoin.org/blog/how... https://t.co/QmyeFX8niO

同时完成两件或多件事情真是太令人满意了! 💆 成为 Capricoin 验证者,除了日常活动之外,您还可以通过控制新区块来赚钱。 💰👉 https://capricoin.org/blog/how...< /a> https://t.co/QmyeFX8niO

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Education continues! 📒📗📔 Other day we explained how to buy Capricoin on Huulk. Today's topic will be about how to buy CPC on CoinSwitch
👉 https://blog.coinswitch.co/how... https://t.co/9ZHBEVj5my

教育继续! 📒📗📔 前几天我们解释了如何在 Huulk 上购买 Capricoin。今天的话题将是关于如何在 CoinSwitch 上购买 CPC
👉 https://blog.coinswitch。合作/如何... https://t.co/9ZHBEVj5my

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Here is a picture from our last CPC presentation in Dubai. We always return full of energy and inspiration. Thank you. 🙏😌 https://t.co/lvnTFSsF3D

这是我们上次在迪拜举行的 CPC 演示的图片。我们总是充满活力和灵感。谢谢你。 🙏😌 https://t.co/lvnTFSsF3D

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Nowadays, it is hard to find someone you can trust completely. Luckily, there is TREZOR! 🙌😌 You can store your digital keys, passwords and all your Capricoins and no one will ever know about them. For more info, check: 👉 https://capricoin.org/trezor https://t.co/xv12bOmDxf

如今,很难找到一个可以完全信任的人。幸运的是,有 TREZOR! 🙌😌 你可以存储你的数字密钥、密码和你所有的 Capricoins,没有人会知道它们。欲了解更多信息,请查看:👉 https://capricoin.org/trezor https://t.co/xv12bOmDxf

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

We are ready to unlock new levels of our roadmap! ✔✔✔ Stay tuned. The new CPC roadmap will be published soon. 💁‍ https://t.co/c6PkyPtrB0

我们已准备好解锁我们路线图的新级别! ✔✔✔ 请继续关注。新的 CPC 路线图将很快发布。 💁‍ https://t.co/c6PkyPtrB0

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Spending time with friends, a sunny weekend or a great movie. ☺ Many things should last longer. Except for payments! Pay with CPC, send money faster and save your time for activities you enjoy. 👉https://capricoin.org/usabilit... https://t.co/ht4Du3Ygoe

与朋友共度时光,度过一个阳光明媚的周末或一部精彩的电影。 ☺ 许多事情应该持续更长时间。付款除外!使用 CPC 付款,更快地汇款,并为您喜欢的活动节省时间。 👉https://capricoin.org/usabilit... https://t.co/ht4Du3Ygoe

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Do you know the feeling that you are short of cash right when you need it most? 🤦‍Luckily, with CPC you can pay your bills within a few seconds. 👉 https://capricoin.org/usabilit... https://t.co/5K7b64xQgr

你知道在你最需要钱的时候你的现金短缺的感觉吗? 🤦‍幸运的是,使用 CPC,您可以在几秒钟内支付账单。 👉 https://capricoin.org/usabilit... https://t.co/5K7b64xQgr

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

If you are one of those who needs to be right every time, we have the perfect offer for you. 😎 Become a Capricoin validator! Control our blocks to make sure they´re correct and we will reward you.
More info you will find on our blog 👉 https://capricoin.org/blog/how... https://t.co/JgWgaTUzGR

如果您是每次都需要正确的人之一,我们将为您提供完美的报价。 😎 成为 Capricoin 验证者!控制我们的积木以确保它们是正确的,我们将奖励您。
您可以在我们的博客上找到更多信息👉 https://capricoin.org/博客/如何... https://t.co/JgWgaTUzGR

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

One CPC is now worth more than 0,44 €. And you know what this means. It’s the perfect time to get your own Capricoins. 🤗 Check out our new blog containing detailed instructions. 👉 https://capricoin.org/blog/how... https://t.co/MIVpx66NjJ

一个 CPC 现在价值超过 0,44 欧元。你知道这意味着什么。这是获得自己的 Capricoins 的最佳时机。 🤗 查看我们包含详细说明的新博客。 👉 https://capricoin.org/blog/how... https://t.co/MIVpx66NjJ

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Multi-tasking people need a multi-funtional coin!😌 Capricoin enables you to book your holidays or send money faster for almost no fees . And there are more functions to come 👉 https://capricoin.org/usabilit... https://t.co/yaScWqjMKZ

多任务的人需要一个多功能的硬币!😌 Capricoin 可以让您以几乎免费的方式更快地预订假期或汇款。还有更多功能即将推出👉 https://capricoin.org/usabilit... https://t .co/yaScWqjMKZ

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

We all have our "spend money like water" moments. 🙈 Imagine, you had rather invested 17€ into #Capricoin two weeks ago instead of overpaying your brunch. Now, you would have 47€ and 100 CPC on your hands. 🙆‍
Get your own Capricoin on 👉 https://huulk.com/ https://t.co/McMtwgFWnM

我们都有“花钱如流水”的时刻。 🙈 想象一下,你宁愿投资 17 欧元

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情

Become a CPC validator and earn money even when you sleep.😴 CapriCoin runs on the POS protocol which rewards you for every created block. On top of that, staking rewards are really atractive. Find out more on our new blog 👉 https://capricoin.org/blog/how... https://t.co/F7MY3opJSq

成为 CPC 验证者,即使在你睡觉的时候也能赚钱。😴 CapriCoin 在 POS 协议上运行,每创建一个区块都会奖励你。最重要的是,质押奖励非常有吸引力。在我们的新博客上了解更多信息👉 https://capricoin.org/blog /如何... https://t.co/F7MY3opJSq

发表时间:5年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin详情