Helium 的最新消息

RT: Shout out to @helium! Thank you for the swag! The guys that made the Helium pitch love the shirts and the rest of the crew have marked their laptops with shiny new stickers. https://t.co/o8YxIn8qr1


发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

I spy the @invoxia #LongFi GPS Tracker and some of the latest @Helium Network stats 🔎. #CES2022 https://t.co/VVMydyq8Rf

我发现了@invoxia#LongFi GPS跟踪器和一些最新的@Hemian网络统计数据🔎. #CES2022https://t.co/VVMydyq8Rf

发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

RT: Game with GPUs. Mine with these instead. A #freedomfi @helium #HNT miner with a 4G outdoor small cell, capable of creating a decentralized 4G network using your router with little power draw and NO video cards. Available at @CalChipConnect #CES2022 #ces https://t.co/jdsPgAxT5a


发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

@RickyEredia @kroo4_u Yup! Kroo helps optimize your setup or fleet of setups, starting from the planning process to Hotspot installation and your first $HNT rewards.


发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

Providing professional installation services, @kroo4_u helps @Helium Network users:
🗺️ Leave planning to experts
📡 Simplify Hotspot installation
✅ Maximize $HNT rewards
Read about Kroo on our blog: https://bit.ly/3kz4oqF. https://t.co/b2HBef14hy

🗺️ 把计划留给专家
📡 简化热点安装
✅ 最大化$HNT奖励
在我们的博客上了解Kroo:https://bit.ly/3kz4oqF. https://t.co/b2HBef14hy

发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

@ShaneWMill We're here for it. 🎈


发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

Are you familiar with the @dewialliance Manufacturing Oversight Committee (MOC)?
The Committee meets to handle all Hotspot audits and approvals through HIP 19. From the MOC and @Helium team, meet Jeremy Cooper: https://bit.ly/3t0DlIX.

委员会开会通过HIP19处理所有热点审核和批准。来自主运行中心和@Hemium团队,与Jeremy Cooper会面:https://bit.ly/3t0DlIX.

发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

@FRDMFGHTR5000 @RAKwireless @CalChipConnect See the latest shipping updates from @CalChipConnect: https://www.calchipconnect.com....


发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

@holymolyinvst @RAKwireless @CalChipConnect If you're at #CES2022, come to the @CalChipConnect booth (LVCC North, Booth 10215) between 1-2:30pm PT to sign up for a chance to win the @RAKwireless $HNT Miner.

@holymolyinvst@RAKwireless@CalChipConnect如果您在2022年,请在太平洋时间下午1-2:30到@CalChipConnect展位(LVCC North,10215展位)注册,获得赢得@RAKwireless$HNT矿工的机会。

发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

@KashtonsMommi @RAKwireless @CalChipConnect There's no payment required. Come to the @CalChipConnect booth today between 1-2:30pm PT to sign up for a chance to win 🙌.


发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

RT: we are live debugging your @helium hotspot on https://www.youtube.com/watch?...
@-me with names or post in the chat


发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

At #CES2022? The @Helium team is giving away a @RAKwireless $HNT Miner to one lucky recipient tomorrow afternoon 🎁.
Stop by the @CalChipConnect booth (LVCC North, Booth 10215) today from 1-2:30pm PT to meet the team and sign up. Good luck 🥳. https://t.co/gzjATPITQC

今天下午1-2:30在@CalChipConnect展位(LVCC North,10215展位)停留,与团队会面并注册。祝你好运🥳. https://t.co/gzjATPITQC

发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

HVAC systems are notoriously clunky. The solution?
With 80 years of expertise, VSN is now powered by #ThePeoplesNetwork to simplify and scale its smart infrastructure solutions.
Register for The Uplink on January 13th at 12pm PT with VSN: https://bit.ly/3peoN6q. https://t.co/GFN0DSlZCf

1月13日下午12点在VSN注册上行链路:https://bit.ly/3peoN6q. https://t.co/GFN0DSlZCf

发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

What contributes most to a Hotspot's $HNT rewards? A good location doesn't hurt.
Check out nearby Hotspots on @Helium Explorer 🌎: https://explorer.helium.com/. https://t.co/8M8meuE6ZU

在@Hemium Explorer上查看附近的热点🌎: https://explorer.helium.com/. https://t.co/8M8meuE6ZU

发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

@weiway520 Register on Zoom to join the call at 2pm PT: https://bit.ly/3nFKHND.


发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

The first @Helium Hacks Happy Hour of the New Year is coming up at 2pm PT. Join to chat about the latest projects using #ThePeoplesNetwork: https://bit.ly/3nFKHND. https://t.co/WyfYBQR3RO

新年的第一个快乐时刻是下午2点。使用#人民网加入聊天,了解最新项目:https://bit.ly/3nFKHND. https://t.co/WyfYBQR3RO

发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

You've seen #5G. But @Helium 5G? That's a different story. The high-bandwidth speeds you need, provided by individuals with @Open5G Hotspots. It's going to be epic.
Read about the latest from @mikeddano at @Light_Reading: https://bit.ly/3HhWWs8. https://t.co/e10fUKsFvX

在@Light_阅读@mikedano的最新消息:https://bit.ly/3HhWWs8. https://t.co/e10fUKsFvX

发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

In September, we partnered with @senetco on a @Helium Network roaming agreement. Senet now has additional #IoT coverage from 150,000+ US Hotspots, increasing $HNT data transfer rewards for hosts.
Check out the combined coverage map 🗺️: https://bit.ly/3yrEtWW. https://t.co/aA9Piju8iF

查看综合覆盖地图🗺️: https://bit.ly/3yrEtWW. https://t.co/aA9Piju8iF

发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

@ALaRoccoEMBA Discussion is still taking place around an activation date for HIP 39. Stay in the loop in the "hip-39-hnt-redenomination" channel of the @Helium Discord: https://discord.gg/helium.

@ALaRoccoEMBA的讨论仍在HIP 39的启用日期前后进行。在@Hemian Discord的“hip-39-hnt-REDENAMINATION”通道中保持循环:https://discord.gg/helium.

发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情

As 3G networks sunset in 2022, make the switch to @Helium for your #IoT devices 💡: https://helium.com/switch. https://t.co/cr4rd492WS

随着3G网络在2022年的落日,为您的物联网设备切换到@氦💡: https://helium.com/switch. https://t.co/cr4rd492WS

发表时间:2年前 作者:Helium @helium详情