Arcblock 的最新消息

In @ArcBlock_io we talked about future social network applications many times publicly and internally. Not known by everyone, our founder @mave99a is a pioneer in the social network history, he built the earliest and largest (at time) social network in China,earlier than Facebook

在@ArcBlock_io 中,我们多次公开和内部讨论未来的社交网络应用程序。不为人知,我们的创始人@mave99a 是社交网络历史上的先驱,他建立了中国最早和最大的(当时)社交网络,比 Facebook 还要早

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

And twitter's founder @jack started project @bluesky a while ago and try to fix "a mistake he made" -- should build twitter as a protocol rather than a centralized app. Last week they just release first private beta "at protocol"

twitter 的创始人@jack 不久前启动了 @bluesky 项目,并试图修复“他犯的一个错误”——应该将 twitter 构建为协议而不是集中式应用程序。上周他们刚刚发布了第一个私有测试版“atprotocol”

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

A couple month ago, billionaire mogul Frank McCourt and Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood want to work together to create a decentralized, non-toxic version of Facebook — or several of them...

几个月前,亿万富翁弗兰克·麦考特(Frank McCourt)和以太坊联合创始人加文·伍德(Gavin Wood)希望合作创建一个去中心化、无毒的 Facebook 版本——或者其中几个……

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

There are many news regarding the next generation social networks in web3, we'd like share some insights in a thread 🧵👇:

关于 web3 中的下一代社交网络有很多新闻,我们想在一个线程中分享一些见解🧵👇:

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

Essentially that's the core of ArcBlock's Blocklet architecture.
** end of this long thread, thank you **

本质上,这就是 ArcBlock 的 Blocklet 架构的核心。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

As you see, composability is a powerful tool for building censorship-resistant decentralized applications. By making it easy to reuse and combine existing components, composability allows developers to create unique applications without having to start from scratch.


发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

Since anyone can create a blocklet for a dapps,censorship becomes much more difficult. Even if one is censored or removed, there are always others that can be used to take its place. This makes it much harder for censors to effectively target decentralized applications as a whole

由于任何人都可以为 dapps 创建 blocklet,因此审查变得更加困难。即使一个人被审查或删除,总有其他人可以用来代替它。这使得审查员更难有效地针对整个去中心化应用程序

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

Why is Composability Important for Building Decentralized Apps?
One advantages of dapps is they are censorship-resistant. There is no central point of control, no single entity can censor or shut down dapps. This becomes even more powerful when combined with composability.

dapps 的一个优点是它们是抗审查的。没有中央控制点,没有一个实体可以审查或关闭 dapp。当与可组合性结合使用时,它变得更加强大。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

Rather than everyone having to develop their own solutions, developers can simply reuse existing created by others. This not only saves time money, but also allows developers to focus on creating unique features rather than spending time reinventing the wheel.


发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

For example, if you have a composable app that consists of 10 blocklets, and you need to make a change to one, you can simply update it for that module without having to wade through the rest. This save a lot of time and effort compared to traditional development methods.

例如,如果您有一个由 10 个 blocklet 组成的可组合应用程序,并且您需要对其中一个进行更改,您可以简单地为该模块更新它,而无需费力完成其余部分。与传统的开发方法相比,这节省了大量的时间和精力。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

Key advantages of using a composable application is that it allows developers to reuse code, from themselves or others. ArcBlock's ecosystem is encouraging our developers to work with each other.

使用可组合应用程序的主要优点是它允许开发人员重用他们自己或他人的代码。 ArcBlock 的生态系统正在鼓励我们的开发人员相互合作。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

This means that each module must be able to work independently from the other modules in the program. In addition, each module must be well-documented so that developers can easily understand how it works and how it fits into the overall scheme of the program.


发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

The key difference between a traditional software program and a composable application is that a composable application is designed specifically to be composed of independent modules.


发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

For example, a word processing program may have a spell checker component that can be used separately from the rest of the program. Or a video editing program may have a video player component that can be used independently from the rest of the program.


发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

The term "composable application" is relatively new, but the concept has been around for many years. In fact, most modern software programs are composed of multiple components that work together to perform various tasks.


发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

In s a summary, a composable application is a type of software that allows different parts or modules of the program to be used independently from each other. This flexibility makes it possible for developers to reuse code, which saves time and money.


发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

But with a blocklet-based composition, if one blocklet fails, the other blocklets can continue to operate normally. This makes composable applications much more reliable overall.

但是对于基于 Blocklet 的组合,如果一个 Blocklet 发生故障,其他 Blocklet 可以继续正常运行。这使得可组合应用程序总体上更加可靠。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

Composable applications are much more resilient to failures because each service can fail without affecting the rest of the application. With a traditional monolithic application, if one part of the application fails, the entire application fails.


发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

Another advantage of composable app is that they are much more scalable than traditional monolithic design. When an application is composed of many small blocklets, it is much easier to scale individual blocklets than it is to scale the entire application.


发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情

This means that you can add new features or make changes to existing features without having to redeploy the entire application.


发表时间:1年前 作者:ArcBlock @ArcBlock_io详情